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  1. N

    How fast do you read?

    Six hundred is comfortable for me, but I can push myself to eight hundred.
  2. N

    anyone out there red Catch-22?

    Great book! Although it's story structure was unconventional.
  3. N

    The songs we get stuck in our heads

    I got the tetris theme music this morning. Gawd, it was painful.
  4. N

    how did the 4Uers go?

    Seventies at least. Conceded eight marks I think. Or the worst case possible, sixties.
  5. N

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    In year eleven, my old school uses Maths in Focus. But this year, it's Fitzpatrick (mainly) and Cambridge.
  6. N

    Cheating in exams

    Haha! I remembered a guy last year, at my old school, smuggled in an entire physics textbook underneath his blazer his blazer. A bloody Jakaranda one too! It didn't matter too much, as it turned out that he got about 8/90
  7. N

    Two Tables

    Hrm. How many separate piles did you make? I sort of found it hard to write on other books on top of the table.
  8. N

    Two Tables

    Wouldn't that pile get a little high?
  9. N

    Two Tables

    Two tables!? You lucky bastard! Well, for me, space was such a big hassle. I just use the floor to dump my used booklets.
  10. N

    the 1-mark questions

    Correct there!
  11. N


    Ah thanks for the answers Jumb. So far so good for me.
  12. N

    What Do You Reckon You Got?

    Ninety or above. Assuming that I didn't do too many silly mistakes, or if I didn't miss any more questions.
  13. N

    the 1-mark questions

    Think that's what I wrote sub.
  14. N

    Silly supervisors.

    Today, a supervisor tried to give me twenty extra minutes, for nothing. My exam provisions states that I am allowed to go outside to recover when I needed to, and is given up to extra twenty minutes extra depending on how long I was out for. But the thing is, I didn't take any breaks or even...
  15. N

    easiest in 5 yrs... then 5 more

    I never felt so innudated. So many small mark questions that near the end I felt that I was pressed for time. But when I looked up, there was fifteen minutes left.
  16. N

    Stop thinking about it too much ppl.. HSC is not finshed yet.

    Of course, but ignoring the previous exams and your possible performance in them is easier said than done.
  17. N

    How do you think you'll go?

    Oh shit.... I should have gootten more sleep. I just skipped a question. Three marks down the drain. Oh shit....
  18. N

    How do you think you'll go?

    Assuming no silly mistakes around a hundred.
  19. N


    Yeah. I didn't get that conics question halfway, nor that induction question as well as most of the last two questions.
  20. N

    are you ready for tomorrow???

    Not really ready. Gotta revise complex numbers that we done all the way back in term one.