Recent content by lmao1010

  1. L

    need help

  2. L

    need help

  3. L

    Urgent legit mindblanked and it's annoying

    Ayo can any1 explain how RCR works on like sin10x cosx ik it's a dumb q but legit so confused on this one thing
  4. L

    how wud u do this integral

    Thanks bro
  5. L

    how wud u do this integral

    i tried u=root e2x-1 but it doesnt seem to work thanks in advance
  6. L

    can some1 explain how to do this q

    thx a lot m8
  7. L

    need help asap with this q

    oh ok thanks, jimmy do you have the answers to abbostleigh 2k21?
  8. L

    need help asap with this q

    ig this makes sense logically atleast to me but kinda seems easy for 3 marks now that i see it
  9. L

    need help asap with this q

    Nah the paper didn't have answers I'll have a look at Ur answer thx btw
  10. L

    need help asap with this q

    @Run hard@thehsc
  11. L

    can some1 explain how to do this q

    thx m8 for the second q that is the entire q that i was given
  12. L

    need help asap with this q

    any help appreciated, havent rlly seen these kind of qs so kinda confused
  13. L

    KR3 quote meanin

    bro dont rlly get wut ur q is but regardless ig this explanation of scene will help: richard is probs in his tent or smthg and is ordering his soldiers to bring stanley and his regiment of soldiers to the war to assist in richards fight against richmond, who is also known as henry vii and is...
  14. L

    Weak acid + weak base

    bro weak acid weak base, theres a very small change in ph over equiva.. pt like using indicator it wudnt be possible to recognise it and wont be effective idk bout ph probe etc tho
  15. L

    can some1 explain how to do this q
