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  • yeah to pushups :OD
    nawww :Op

    Yeah Ido :O). We have TEE subjects, our exams are called WACE preps and our HC is WACE...very imaginative.

    baahahaha :lol: shouldve mentioned it earlier :OP
    sorry but you kinda do sometimes :Op
    ill tell you later, i stayed on longer cause i offended someone in the ofrums and needed to say sorry :O)
    oh you want me to go *cries* meanie :OP.

    alright c\see ya
    ....I KNEW IT! You
    sexually per-- oh wait nevermind, i keep forgetting youre only a teeanger the way you keep talking :OP.
    Damn. Are you serious? O_O As much writing as I do, I cant even do two :lol:

    I'm a prostitute :OP kidding, kidding I work in Supre :O) and its only 3:15 over here :OP

    haha alright then


    p.s. thanks for the forum backup :O)
    Now? Of all times? :OP
    Hahah probably, Amazons are generally pretty tall though so hec maybe I'm half Amazon :OP. oh god hahaha what would you do with three?! :O)
    awwww too bad :O( lol.

    Now drop and gimme 80....dollars not pushups :OP
    Haha uhm thanks.
    Rught I gotta go to work now, but I'll be on later.Nice talking to you [COUGH bossingyouaround COUGH] :O)

    take care :O)
    When you mature enough to understand it lemme know :OP.
    Haha amazons actually cut off their right breast to make it easier to use bows and arrows and stuff so there goes HSCISHARD's wonderful theory bout me being an Aamz Amazon :OD.

    Haha thanks lieutenant sarcasm :OP. Yeah I kinda know. But for all you know I may have repeated a year or been skipped up a few levels so :OP.
    Haha no actually I was scrolling through and went, hmmm I'll just stalk HSCISHARD and BANG there you were. "No one mentioned the shower though" :OP. Don't you just loveeee bing bang theory quotes haha.
    Yep there it is :O)
    Yeah yeah, Physics is demented though, I don't lie but, but you can go for it-- with express permission of course.
    Haha yeah probs, except I have obth my boobs thanks :OP.

    :OP I shall! And please, it's Aamz, apparently my username was too short and I couldn't be stuffed coming up with something more creative mr. HSC IS HARD :OD.
    It does actually, like shakespeare.
    no, no the (8-B) the :OP is a clown poking its tongue out at you! :O) but yeah, kinda does a little bitt now you mention it :OD.
    Heck yeah, have to for my course...and it was either maths or physics (-__-) *shudder* no thanks, I've taken one look at a Physics book in my life and that was more than enough. So you go ahead and do the little nerdy thing on physics, I'll stic with my mathematics thanks :O).
    Yesh, if I can ever decipher it, I seem to be rather illiterate in that area lmao.

    Nice post on the forum btw. Racist. Veryyyyyy good :OP.
    Ahhh spelling errors in my last post :O/. Evil keyboard.
    Naww very well jester, you may take your pittance and be away. haha.
    :- O Oh my, I've been outnerded.
    (8-B). 'nuff said.
    (if you don't know what that emoticon was, it's a nerd :OP.) But seriously HOW can you do physics :O/. Eight wonder of the world much. Ugh physics is so hard.
    I'm doing:
    -2A/B Maths (Ext. 1, B)
    - 2A/B Chemistry
    - 2A/B Biology
    -2A/B Human Biology
    -2A/B Drama
    -2A/B Modern History
    -2A/B English
    and 1C/D Photography, eligible for 2A/B exams.

    Bahaha I wish, maybe I'd do all of my work since they banned FaceBoo and BoS at school :OD.
    Nah not even I'D be there, and I so cool I go there like an hour early...because of my bus. An hour early or two hours late, take your pic :O).
    Haha :O) Guilty as charged :OP
    Oh pfft you wish hun, you're forgetting who your talking to here lol.
    Haha I was kidding, relax :O). Really? I wouldn't have thouight so, you seem nice :O).
    Haha cool, same here. What subjects are you doing for Pre-Lim? lol hahaha yeahhhh uhm about thatttttt i don't think you'd be able to catch a year 11 ANYWHERE in the world at school any other than then when they weer frced to (*cough 8-4 *cough*)
    :OP haha no actually you popped up on her friends list when I visited her page so I added you! Plus your friends with party who is friends with a few of the people I 'know'.

    Oh wait, sorry, I DID add you because..well it was because IT IS YOUUUUU the great, allmighty hscishard -- note the sarcasm hun -- :O)
    haha yeah true, leave my newbie status alone, dammnit lol.

    Hmm? Oh na, I do that to everyone. I like being nice, unlike you :OP. Haha I'm good thanks, buried neck deep in Chemistry and biology homework but nothing I can't manage. Are you still @ school?
    lols what did u think, that i go to a bad school :p
    yup yup liza <----- remember it :p
    bahah did u really do that, poor little kid, don't worry by doing that you learning the basics of commenting on peoples pages
    bahahah nice jokes but it long for me to get it :p . thankz itz like Lisa but there is a z instead of a s soo yh lol.
    o i go to Beverly hils girl.
    Haha, cheer up, 'qn' as in question! :p

    lol. Yu must be very smart! boring??
    Essays, tell me about it...ive got memorise my creative writing and aos essay for half yearly exams.

    Umm yeh, but this is wat BOS does to yu :p hehe
    Nah i am multi-tasking, lol legal notes and BOSing. lol Reward yourself with time on bos after you do a certain amount of work, it's better that way.
    yh i know *sad face* . bahaha how did you, know :p is it like an private new school or something.
    nahh my name is liza its not short for anything yh nice to meet you kevin :)
    o lols yeah the hsc is not easy but o well we all have to do it no matter what.
    nice your in yr 11 as well, what school do you go to, btw my name is liza.
    bahaha yes random people lols i like them , unless they are not scaring me away from them:p
    sorii for the randomness but do you really think the hsc is hard. i think that as well but if you study hard and know your work then all is good :) don't you think
    Hello, thanks for the rep! although it was neutral. :p

    Wow. :eek: Yur doing pretty gud/hard subs for the HSC i must say! Good on yu.
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