i think you're going through what ive been through before and still going through. i broke up with my guy and i cant get over him even though i know hes with someone else but its not the same without him and i see him everywhere and everything. i dont know what to do and i still hold onto a hope...
i listen to heaps of songs, some are my brothers that we listen to when we go driving and i have no idea what they are called but some of my faves are:
placebo - sleeping with ghosts
3 doors down - here without you
maroon 5 - she will be loved
elvis - in the ghetto
usually any depressing...
I dont have a problem with interracial relationships myself, i have been in one or two and i dont think it changes anything. fair enough if you choose to think that a particular race is hotter than another but dont be with someone just becasue of their race. if you're not sure about going into a...
How many of you live with ur gf/bf? what did your parents say? a question out of the ordinary.... if your gf moved in with another guy would u be paranoid even if u knew that they had only been freinds for ages? would you reconsider your relationship?
that basketball thing seems pretty slutty if u ask me, and plus, if your friends were covering you then what was the point of doing it? unless you're intention was to go and brag about it, and thats pathetic too.