Recent content by himynameisjane

  1. H

    Online Journal Entries for Approaches to Text?

    hey guys, does anyone know how 'online journal entries work? do we go onto the vuws website to find it? has anyone done one before, if so, how exactly should we prepare for it? the thing is i missed the first lecture for this class (long story) but i do have: - all the readings we're...
  2. H

    Should I bring my laptop on my first day?

    oh, really? so i should be fine not bringing it for a little bit? just don't want anyone to think that i'm unprepared or anything, haha.
  3. H

    Should I bring my laptop on my first day?

    So i start tomorrow and i'm freaking out/about to cry. should i bring my laptop? all i have is one lecture and i don't wanna carry it around if not needed. i was just planning on taking my pens, a notebook and my iPad, or should i bring my laptop just in case?
  4. H

    Connectbooks ????

    Ooh, should we wait? I was planning on waiting because the UWS site recommend it until we got the list but I don't be the only without any books lmao.
  5. H

    When would you recommend we buy text books?

    I keep reading on the UWS site to be sure and just wait until we're given a list at our first lecture. Should I do that or just put my unit codes in and buy them?
  6. H

    What should I bring to orientation?

    Thanks :) I'm kinda nervous about the whole thing haha. Thanks for the response!
  7. H

    What should I bring to orientation?

    hey guys, so orientation is coming up and i was wondering if anyone could help me out. what should i bring exactly? i'm guessing my student i.d but should i bring anything else? thanks in advance. :)
  8. H

    Confused about deferral

    Hey all. Today I was recieved an e-mail from UWS stating the following: "You have a deferred place in the Bachelor of Arts at Parramatta Campus. COURSE NOT YET AVAILABLE ----------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately your course is not yet open for enrolment in...