Recent content by Fiona

  1. Fiona

    Question 22 exam thoughts

    Hmm... Interesting theory... Yes that could make sense...
  2. Fiona

    Question 23: Exam Thoughts

    According to the syllabus, "Students learn about" Data types blah blah blah integer representation in binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal But that's learn about, not do conversions... And if you did the developers perspective of hardware or whatever it is... Representation of...
  3. Fiona

    Question 23: Exam Thoughts - hexadecimal conversion table... So... 31(hex) = 49(dec) A1(hex) = 161(dec) therefore... the answer should have been 210. Oops :)
  4. Fiona

    Question 23: Exam Thoughts

    I ended up doing the conversion "my own way" (hahaha well...) and ended up with something like 117... I can't remember exactly. It was over 100 anyway. Hmm... Any ideas, someone who actually knows how to do the conversion?
  5. Fiona

    Post your overall thoughts

    Indeed they shouldn't have. I ended up writing out all of the numbers until I got to 30hex or whatever... Sheesh... It took some brain power, writing those numbers... because I'd forgotten how to do the conversion! I thought it was year 9-10 computing studies stuff... hmm...
  6. Fiona

    [Option Topic] Evolution of prgramming languages

    I had no idea what assert meant, so I made something else up :) I found the whole evolution part really difficult. Damn you, paradigms!
  7. Fiona

    Question 22 exam thoughts

    Oh crap. I thought it was later on when the thing checked to see if the card was there, and then after the IF thing to see if there was a card, there was instructions for what to do. I thought the error was that in even if there was no card, it was doing the instructions for if there was...
  8. Fiona

    Post your overall thoughts

    I found it really really difficult. Horrible, in fact. Dear lord. I hope it scales like there's no tomorrow! :D
  9. Fiona

    Realistically, what are we all aiming for?

    The average for the trial at my school was 45%... going well :) That's a little more happy making though, that the majority of people were in bands 3/4 :) I guess that's to be expected though...
  10. Fiona

    Section 2 of exam doesnt seem to reflect the syllabus at all.

    I agree... Ok so I'm f*cked anyway for Software, but that's beside the point :) It does seem to me that a lot of the questions don't really seem to be related to the course, but if you twist them around enough, you can make some sense of them... It'd be nice if they made them more...
  11. Fiona

    OMGWTFLOL!!1! Found a SDD book by Carole Wilson

    I have the Carole Wilson book... Noticed some errors... Don't really use it much, but only because I'm lazy. I also have the Heinemann one, and the Excel one. I guess I mainly use the excel one, but I don't have a reason for doing so. I wish I had the Sam Davis one, sounds like everybody...
  12. Fiona

    Realistically, what are we all aiming for?

    I'm aiming for Band 3. I'll be so happy if I get over 60. It turns out that my teacher didn't do the last three chapters, really... Ok so one was mainly the project (which he didn't even give comments for, and as it turns out a lot of my diagrams were COMPLETELY the wrong type of diagram, but...
  13. Fiona

    Trial Marks for SDD

    The average for the SDD trial at my school (which was largely based on the Catholic one) was 45%... I passed though, so phew!
  14. Fiona

    Anyone finished their major project?

    Finished my project yesterday... Thank god! :D Such a relief :)
  15. Fiona

    Trial Marks for SDD

    I have a feeling all of the marks in my school will be nice and low... shall report back when we get them back sometime next week, most likely! I'm suprised the highest marks are (in most cases) so low... It's very comforting and stuff :) Bloody software :)