Recent content by CRANK-SHAFT


    MATH PHYS Tutoring for FIRST-YEARS ?

    Yeah, it seems awesome that you want to teach. I fully agree with you and although I do not come from a high ranking school with lots of competitive students I tend to miss the teaching the most. Going through first year, it seems kinda unfair with the fact that there are soo many different...

    Muay Thai/Boxers

    seriously i have trained a little bit in BJJ techniques with my mates who also wrestle and stuff and its absolutely awesome ...especially the submissions and throws and the prospect of taking down much larger foe. I also love Muay Thai, but wondering if joining a Kickboxing club...

    Modifications for automatic car

    lol +1 thats soo true through... If u dont know what an automatic transmission is and how it works I suggest reading up in the countless interent domains and books available..cos its safer to know what it is you're doing to the car... thats only if you're aspiring to be an enthusiast like me...

    General Thoughts - Physics

    overall i thought it was pretty staright forward and i had tim eto check my calculations but some multiple choices were just the on with the rotating drum with the metal strip...whats it mean by emf across the strip lol... anyways good luck everyone and hope we all get like 80+ :P

    General Thoughts - Physics

    overall i thought it was pretty staright forward and i had tim eto check my calculations but some multiple choices were just the on with the rotating drum with the metal strip...whats it mean by emf across the strip lol... anyways good luck everyone and hope we all get like 80+ :P

    crapping urself?

    true dat

    2003 HSC Multiple Choice

    well....i dont know what the fuss is... using the time dilation equation and taking astronaut as the rest frame...we get 16.7 years for the clock on earth since thats the relative frame of reference ...if that makes sense.. .

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    i m really disappointed with my performance. This was one of my major subjects and i really expected better...surprisingly I think i had more trouble with the earlier questions than the later ones. But then again, I made many silly mistakes and possibly counted the chicken question as 1:45...

    English Over Forever

    i am absolutely rejoicing....for the HSC i turned into a complete nerd and by now (its 5 40 pm) would have done like hours of study already....but today is a new day. I came home and after two fckin exams I am relieved completely and utterly relieved. So just on BOS for a few hours and eating...

    Lear - Dramatic Techniques

    LOL im so excited that we're finished english for good. And I had that bloody Design and technology too....what a relief. anyways... Like for the Lear essay we didnt really learn much from the various productions but had some idea of them. My teacher always said that the critical study is also...

    Decisions! decisions!

    hey guys posting here after a long time. Its been very busy and I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. Anyways, this is about my UAC preferences and after many confused nights of wondering about forms, courses, scholarships blah blah I sorta made up my mind. Just need a final...

    What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the year?

    Re: What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the y great work guys best of luck to you all... For my year 12, since we are only a tiny group of kids I think I am coming 1st or 2nd in all subjects but since The teachers don't tell us the ranks I cant really...

    UNVERSITY entry worries

    wow thanks very helpful thanks a lot guys... I will tell you about the other issues- UTS has a scholarship program and I think its the Co-OP program for engo and they need like info about yourself blah blah...and also an interview Has anyone on these forums been to one of these shcolarship...

    UNVERSITY entry worries

    Hello everyone hope you are all coping great! Now, I went to a careers day yesterday and my head is buzzing with all this info about unis and stuff. So, lets begin-- - Say I want to apply to UTS or UNSW is it better to apply directly or through UAC?? - Say I apply through UAC and dont get...

    Calling All Ppl Who Want Band 6!

    I Adddded :p