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  • yeahh i hate multiple choice lol i had to guess 9 of them and i already know i have gotten 3 of them wrong. I definately didnt study hard enough and im sure im gonna get a terrible mark
    Bahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bahahahhahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Coralie coralie coralie, you surprise me every day :l good luck tomorrow hahahaha
    dont worry you'll get in. and international studies are popular nowadays. I wouldnt mind doing it. get to go to other countries for free.. well I think uni pays it for you.
    ahh lol when are your trials? My PDHPE trial is on monday but thats after English Paper 2 where i have to memorise 3 essays lol so theres no gonna be much time i can spend on PDHPE this weekend
    hey no worries =) I have no idea though sorry im also looking for catholic trial papers for pdhpe. If you find them could you let me know? Thanks
    seriously, GIT DER!
    ahahahahahha. fuck im screwed for modern. totes wrote my essay on the wrong syllabus = needa start over.
    aiight. macquarie's a good uni.. wouldnt mind going there. and wollongong? thats heaps far. are yyou like gonna live there or something? and what course?
    lol yeah had a classmate that was Mauritian. might go unsw or uts.. but i'm leaning towards uts atm. much closer to the station plus 1 year internship during the course in engineering. what about you?
    oh okay, yeah dw it will. you are? nice! yeah you do look filo lol my bad though
    cool. no!! dont take it that way. anyone can achieve a good atar though.. its not just the 'high scaling' subjects. so dont worry bout your subjects being not 'high scaling' and all. oh aiight. are you filo?
    oh ok. maths adv., maths ext, adv English, sor2unit, physics and chemistry. in year 12 as well and I got to blacktown. you?
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