Recent content by clo-ree

  1. clo-ree

    Is this bullimic?

    As someone who was diagnosed anorexic three years ago, all I can suggest is asking your sister to seek help. My eating disorder was detected pretty early and I was forced into treatment. I did my pip on how my eating disorder changed my life and my preception of eating disorders has changed...
  2. clo-ree

    Reckon I'll get into a BA here?

    I have read this thread and that came to my attention... Kids should not be at uni. Im sorry I dont want to sound like a bitch but you should go back to school next year. Do year 11 and 12 again and pick new subjects - ones you will enjoy and get yourself a better ATAR. Then consider going...
  3. clo-ree

    Pip >_<

    Personally I think you will find this topic to be hard, not enough primary and secondary information out there. Have you spoken to your teacher about it? Just cause chicks in my class did topics which landed them in deep water, unable to find enough information. One chick in my class - her...
  4. clo-ree

    Period pain

    Nope no PCOS, ive never been regular from the start but three years of abusing my body has made it worse.
  5. clo-ree

    Period pain

    I only get my period 4 or 5 times a year but when I do I get bad period pain. I went on the pill and that didnt do shit other then making me gain weight. :vcross:
  6. clo-ree

    Under what circumstance(s) would you see a psychologist?

    I see one weekly or sometimes fortnightly. Shes great. Although I was originally forced to see her due to the death of my friend, and not coping with other things. Previously I had seen another one for my eating disorder but she didnt know shit. Then she quit as I wouldnt do family therapy...
  7. clo-ree

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    Formal - wasnt too bad - food was crap tho. After party which finished in the wee hours of this morning - Amazing. Good times for all. Good ol Irish teacher drinking with us just made it way better :)
  8. clo-ree

    cfs exam?

    I havent spoken to her about it... will tomorrow when I go and sign out. Please tell me they finished the exam? I was writing right up until the last minute, answered every question but I wanted to write more :( I loved her pep talk lol... consisted of - clo you know your stufff... now...
  9. clo-ree

    cfs exam?

    Loved it! Not going to say I went well cause I'll be very upset if I didn't go well, so I'm thinking happy thoughts :) Loved the technology question... hey clairebear - who do you think stuffed up and did the wrong question... I got a pep talk from mulvey before the exam lol - Gonna miss...
  10. clo-ree

    Piercings and Tattoos

    5 piercings - 2 in each ear and 1 in belly 1 tattoo - getting another one next time I go to wagga.
  11. clo-ree

    Special Provisions

    shut the fuck up. You have no idea how bad my ocd gets.
  12. clo-ree

    Special Provisions

    i have S.P for my anxiety, depression and ocd as well as a few other medical conditions... I get to type my exams, if i were to write I would be lucky to answer one question, when i write by hand if it looks messy or i make a mistake, i rip the page up and start again.
  13. clo-ree


    I enjoyed it... the only part that I didnt like was doing it by DE
  14. clo-ree


    I wouldnt do SOR II :chainsaw: