Recent content by Catey_W

  1. C

    2014 French Extension?

    I would totally recommend picking it up and giving it a go (to everyone). I did it at the start of yr 12 for about 2-3 weeks and hated the kind of class is was. I prefer to learn grammar and vocab rather than study texts in both English and French, but I will read my text after the exams again...
  2. C

    Staying fit over summer holidays (and into term time)

    Hi all, So I've just gone on summer holidays and I'm looking for fun ways to not get fat. Usually I dance a few times a week, but I haven't found any classes that run during the holidays. A lot of my friend are on holidays, I've never been to a gym. Any tips? Is it worth signing up to a gym?
  3. C

    BIG dilemma

    Ancient is rather content heavy and will take quite a bit of hard work. If you don't enjoy it, but have to take time away from your better subjects to do well then, I think, you should drop it. Don't do a course because it scales well, because if you don't enjoy it, you're wasting your time...
  4. C

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    Heya, I'm Caitlyn 2013 Biology Chemistry Mathematics English Advanced French Continuers Extension French IPT = 13u.... for now at least I'm shooting for anywhere above 80, because I can work with that.
  5. C

    Best way of going about my subjects

    Well, you need 10 units to get an ATAR, so if all your subjects are worth 2u then you should be right to drop one... I would reccommmend just getting super organised so that you don't get to the end of this term with textbook pages coming out of your ears. I, personally, have one binder I take...