Recent content by Bolkonski

  1. Bolkonski

    Your personal library

    whats the point of having so many if they are not worth talking about?
  2. Bolkonski

    Where are the motor registries in the ACT?????

    make some plates out of a cornflakes box
  3. Bolkonski

    Where are the motor registries in the ACT?????

    or yeah.. dickson, just drive up northbourne and you will see it... next to the transact building... or near enough.
  4. Bolkonski

    VSU at ANU

    Don't get me wrong. That was not a rant. To be for or against VSU would depend very much on a personal experience of your student union and if that experience results in a negative or positive outlook on their services. In my own opinion, I think restricting the budget of the union...
  5. Bolkonski

    VSU at ANU

    both arguments are solid... however, I would tend to lean towards the VSU pro side when I am feeling anti-studentish because 240 (our GSF payment) x 10 000 is a lot of money, and I would love to see how it is spent by a bunch of dick heads that pop up around election time, get around 10% of...
  6. Bolkonski

    Information on Accommodation

    depends where you want to work. go apply at a sushi bar and find out...
  7. Bolkonski

    90+ UAI Club?

    90+ club is a little redundant now that lowest entry mark to ANU is 85.
  8. Bolkonski

    Roll Call

    english you don't study... you breathe.. its awesome. Enjoy!
  9. Bolkonski

    Essential Items for ANU

    oh... you should be even more scared around student election times... then they actually talk to you... and give you... bits of paper! I would be more scared of the idiocy of the socialist alternative myself. but thats my opinion.
  10. Bolkonski

    Essential Items for ANU

    and just watch out... those public servants all did law at anu too.
  11. Bolkonski

    English/History... or anything else Humanities related

    Yeah.. ok, I get your point. I guess I only got a whif of the guy in various lectures during first year. Taking one of his courses this year though... or two.. i cant remember.
  12. Bolkonski

    Essential Items for ANU

    fine fine...
  13. Bolkonski

    Essential Items for ANU

    now now, we don't want to scare people away from ANU
  14. Bolkonski

    English/History... or anything else Humanities related

    Dobrez with personal opinions... what else has studying lit come to? its all just opinions now. or if you want to be... intelligent, they call them 'readings'. Wright is an awesome teacher I thought. A little sex obsessed however. Dobrez is a maniac, you can't stop him talking. He is a...
  15. Bolkonski

    ANU 49th best uni in the world.

    you mean.... theres.... actually. a world outside of sydney? no way