what should i choose as another subject for yr 11 (1 Viewer)

Dec 17, 2019
Hi guys, sorry to take up your time :/
I've decided on the subjects I'll be taking next year but I'm dropping physics and i don't know what subject i should replace.
The reason why i chose all 3 sciences was because i enjoyed science but then i realised it was a bad decision due to its heavy content.
At the moment these are my subjects:
- English Adv
- Maths Adv
- Maths Ex 1 (maybe 2 ?? in yr 12)
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics (replace for another subject)
I'm not a fan of any other subjects that include history, geo, commerce if that's gonna help but I'm kinda thinking of business studies (even though it's commerce) ?
Any other subjects that are close to any of the subjects from my list :)


Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
Have you thought about Software Design and Development? I loved my experience in it.

IPT is also another 'technology' subject.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Hi guys, sorry to take up your time :/
I've decided on the subjects I'll be taking next year but I'm dropping physics and i don't know what subject i should replace.
The reason why i chose all 3 sciences was because i enjoyed science but then i realised it was a bad decision due to its heavy content.
At the moment these are my subjects:
- English Adv
- Maths Adv
- Maths Ex 1 (maybe 2 ?? in yr 12)
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics (replace for another subject)
I'm not a fan of any other subjects that include history, geo, commerce if that's gonna help but I'm kinda thinking of business studies (even though it's commerce) ?
Any other subjects that are close to any of the subjects from my list :)
maybe try economics it has a mixture of commerce, math and English.


Sep 12, 2018
maybe try economics it has a mixture of commerce, math and English.
(S)He said (s)he's dropping physics as (s)he finds doing 3 sciences too content heavy. Arguably, I found doing Economics to be more time consuming and content heavy than Physics, despite my ability in STEM and Humanities to be roughly equal. Hence why I dropped it.
So yeah, if he's dropping a subject based off workload, would not recommend picking up Economics. Unless you have a knack for such things, already keep up to date with the news, world events, and actually have an interest.

Similarly, would not recommend doing Business studies (which OP suggested him/herself). That subject is notorious for just cramming the syllabus. Once again, very content and memorisation heavy. Different from Economics - less thinking involved, but a LOT of cramming.

Honestly, I had a friend in a similar boat to you, @i.used.to.be.happy
He did 3 sciences and was ranked like 2nd for all of them. You're at 13 units right now, which is quite hefty. Honestly, if you're going to drop a science, you don't necessarily have to pick anything up. I went through Year 11 with 11 units, then picked up 4 unit and dropped economics, leaving me with just 10 units.
Perhaps start Year 11 with those subjects, and see where that takes you. Then drop the science that you're not enjoying, or performing least well in. In my friends case, he dropped Biology, and then ended up overtaking me and topping Physics due to the decreased workload. He also overtook my other friend and topped Chemistry (important to note that my other friend was part of the Australian National Chemistry Olympiad team lmfao).

So yeah, my recommendation would be, that if you don't particularly have another subject you're interested in picking up, just to continue with the 3 sciences for a little bit, suss them out, and then drop the one you're least interested in. Because after all, you haven't actually been in any of the classes or started any of the content yet.

P.S. Chem and Phys can sometimes complement each other quite well, although it is by no means necessary or particularly advantageous to do both. Just a tiny, slight overlap.
Dec 17, 2019
Thanks guys @Drdusk and @Cherrybomb56 that was really helpful advice but i was thinking the same as what @Xzyle was saying.
I studied some content of all 3 sciences for next year but not enough for me to make a decision without trying at school first with all my other subjects. I just got overwhelmed by some people that I had known who hadn't done too well in physics of this years hsc physics exam.

Btw congrats @Xzyle to acing your hsc this year plus 99.75 wow.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Thanks guys @Drdusk and @Cherrybomb56 that was really helpful advice but i was thinking the same as what @Xzyle was saying.
I studied some content of all 3 sciences for next year but not enough for me to make a decision without trying at school first with all my other subjects. I just got overwhelmed by some people that I had known who hadn't done too well in physics of this years hsc physics exam.

Btw congrats @Xzyle to acing your hsc this year plus 99.75 wow.
no worries. Good luck with your subjects. Just wondering have you bought your textbooks yet?
Dec 17, 2019
no worries. Good luck with your subjects. Just wondering have you bought your textbooks yet?
Thank you, good luck to you too.
Yeah, I've got textbooks from my sibling for Chemistry and Physics and the school already gave the English books that I'll be analysing for next year.
All I need is to buy Biology, PDHPE and Math textbooks.
But the school says to use online but i would rather hardcopy.
Also what subjects are you taking and have you bought your textbooks as well?


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Thank you, good luck to you too.
Yeah, I've got textbooks from my sibling for Chemistry and Physics and the school already gave the English books that I'll be analysing for next year.
All I need is to buy Biology, PDHPE and Math textbooks.
But the school says to use online but i would rather hardcopy.
Also what subjects are you taking and have you bought your textbooks as well?
Hey, I have picked really similar subjects to you. They are:
1. English Advanced
2. Math advanced
3. Math extension
4. Chemistry
5. Biology
6. Economics
7. Business Studies
8. Sor 1
That's really convenient for you. I have to buy all my books cause my school does'nt provide them. And I too like to use hardcopy books.
Dec 17, 2019
Hey, I have picked really similar subjects to you. They are:
1. English Advanced
2. Math advanced
3. Math extension
4. Chemistry
5. Biology
6. Economics
7. Business Studies
8. Sor 1
That's really convenient for you. I have to buy all my books cause my school doesn't provide them. And I too like to use hardcopy books.
Yeah a lot of people say that I'm quite fortunate for the school to provide some books, but without telling me they'd left the expenses in my school fees. Lmao.
Yeah you're right, our subjects are quite similar.
Btw how's your preparation for next year going?


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Yeah a lot of people say that I'm quite fortunate for the school to provide some books, but without telling me they'd left the expenses in my school fees. Lmao.
Yeah you're right, our subjects are quite similar.
Btw how's your preparation for next year going?
nice. yeah. It's going k. Really scared tho cause the pressure is going to get higher. Btw do you do any tutoring currently or going to find any?
Dec 17, 2019
Same I'm scared as well,
Yeh most of my subjects I go to NGO and sons.
I'm currently going there for Chemistry and Physics and I've already started in August.
If you were gonna join you'll be 2 modules behind, so it can be a little difficult for you to keep up.
I also go there for Maths Ex 1 but probs also gonna join the accelerated 4u class which starts in Feburary.
I also got there ( lol not again ) for English but it's not that helpful so I'm gonna quite soon and start an individual class of whom i don't know ( but apparently I am).
I'm already feeling the pressure and i'm starting to get lazy for completing all the homework as my time management is terrible.
But now holidays started, i'm starting to feel more organised and able to find time to complete my uncompleted homework.

If you're gonna join NGO and sons you'll have to do an entrance exam and you'll be placed in levels from adv, intermediate and standard but I don't think they do that for yr 11 and 12 cause we'll be learning the same content. I joined end of yr 9 so that's why I had to do that.

Selective schools have their own classes. Plus a lot Baulkham hills students go there if that helps so i guess it's good.

I also do biology classes. It's an individual class. He's really helpful and I'm enjoying learning so far. I don't think he accepts anymore students because he needs time to study for his exams etc as he's a medical student.

Sorry for all the content and time taken to write this but I hope this helped.
Also any tutoring class you're currently going to ??


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Same I'm scared as well,
Yeh most of my subjects I go to NGO and sons.
I'm currently going there for Chemistry and Physics and I've already started in August.
If you were gonna join you'll be 2 modules behind, so it can be a little difficult for you to keep up.
I also go there for Maths Ex 1 but probs also gonna join the accelerated 4u class which starts in Feburary.
I also got there ( lol not again ) for English but it's not that helpful so I'm gonna quite soon and start an individual class of whom i don't know ( but apparently I am).
I'm already feeling the pressure and i'm starting to get lazy for completing all the homework as my time management is terrible.
But now holidays started, i'm starting to feel more organised and able to find time to complete my uncompleted homework.

If you're gonna join NGO and sons you'll have to do an entrance exam and you'll be placed in levels from adv, intermediate and standard but I don't think they do that for yr 11 and 12 cause we'll be learning the same content. I joined end of yr 9 so that's why I had to do that.

Selective schools have their own classes. Plus a lot Baulkham hills students go there if that helps so i guess it's good.

I also do biology classes. It's an individual class. He's really helpful and I'm enjoying learning so far. I don't think he accepts anymore students because he needs time to study for his exams etc as he's a medical student.

Sorry for all the content and time taken to write this but I hope this helped.
Also any tutoring class you're currently going to ??
Oh thanks for the info. Actually I also go there for math and english. Is chem good there? I also don't find english helpful, so I am also thinking to move out. Ikr that's the same with me. Lol yes the holidays is a good time to relax and really focus on important subjects. I had to do the entrance exam. Wait for bio do you go 1 to 1 classes?
Dec 17, 2019
Yeah biology i went to 1 to 1 class, i find it better cause bio has a lot of memorisation and if you were in a group class it would've been harder.

Chemistry is actually decent, I would've found it easier if i studied but because i barely do homework and look over my work, I'm starting to find it harder. The tutor I have wasn't too great in the beginning because he just started but eventually he got better.
I was recommended another tutoring place where some of my relatives did really well there especially for Chemistry and it begins at the start of next year but my sibling said no to jump to places as I'll regret it ( which makes sense but every tutoring place has their own way of teaching).

Btw, do you like how NGO and sons teach ??
The reason why I went there for English for two terms was specifically for the techniques which I never knew existed (that's how bad I am at English and tricolon what's that? I was like is that even a word) and their way of analysing texts.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Yeah biology i went to 1 to 1 class, i find it better cause bio has a lot of memorisation and if you were in a group class it would've been harder.

Chemistry is actually decent, I would've found it easier if i studied but because i barely do homework and look over my work, I'm starting to find it harder. The tutor I have wasn't too great in the beginning because he just started but eventually he got better.
I was recommended another tutoring place where some of my relatives did really well there especially for Chemistry and it begins at the start of next year but my sibling said no to jump to places as I'll regret it ( which makes sense but every tutoring place has their own way of teaching).

Btw, do you like how NGO and sons teach ??
The reason why I went there for English for two terms was specifically for the techniques which I never knew existed (that's how bad I am at English and tricolon what's that? I was like is that even a word) and their way of analysing texts.
Like Ngo and sons is okay. Math is pretty fine. But english I feel like it's starting to be more repetitive now. Yeah true so for bio have you like finished most of the year 11 content or just started? Yeah that's true. So for chemistry what section are you up to? Are you planning on keeping chem in go and sons till year 11? Also just wondering do you want to do med in univeristy?
Dec 17, 2019
Yeh..ish like yes and no it depends but yeh medicine is what I'm aiming for. I want to do medicine for now due to 2 reasons, personal reasons ( like for my grandma, currently she's sick and had been going to the hospital like twice for 2 reasons heart and lungs, wow that was detailed) and simply cause i enjoy biology but this could change later.

Chemistry, they skipped module 2 and coming back to it after module 3, apparently it's easier to understand. Like for chemistry the section of chemistry that I was learning were galvanic cell, cell potential, Standard reduction potential etc.
At the moment I'm staying at NGO and sons but i might try the free trial to the other tutoring place.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Yeh..ish like yes and no it depends but yeh medicine is what I'm aiming for. I want to do medicine for now due to 2 reasons, personal reasons ( like for my grandma, currently she's sick and had been going to the hospital like twice for 2 reasons heart and lungs, wow that was detailed) and simply cause i enjoy biology but this could change later.

Chemistry, they skipped module 2 and coming back to it after module 3, apparently it's easier to understand. Like for chemistry the section of chemistry that I was learning were galvanic cell, cell potential, Standard reduction potential etc.
At the moment I'm staying at NGO and sons but i might try the free trial to the other tutoring place.
that's good, hope you get in. Nice was there a lot of content for that module? And did you have any tests so far for chem? If so how were they?
Dec 17, 2019
Oh thanks, yeh there's a lot of content
For exams, every time we finish a module we have a big exam. It's pretty difficult as their not straight forward. I didn't do too well cause i didn't study and had other stuff to do. I guess because this was our first exam and everyone found it difficult but in the end it comes with practice.

We also have quizzes but they wouldn't say when especially physics at NGO and sons.
My Chem teacher is pretty chill compared to other teachers which i like but now that I'm actually going into senior years therefore I might leave.

Like i can easily get away without doing homework but physics like i wouldn't even try, but i've gotten away with it twice but she might check which i'm scared lol. It's better to have a strict teacher who has a lot of experience than someone who's chill.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2019
Oh thanks, yeh there's a lot of content
For exams, every time we finish a module we have a big exam. It's pretty difficult as their not straight forward. I didn't do too well cause i didn't study and had other stuff to do. I guess because this was our first exam and everyone found it difficult but in the end it comes with practice.

We also have quizzes but they wouldn't say when especially physics at NGO and sons.
My Chem teacher is pretty chill compared to other teachers which i like but now that I'm actually going into senior years therefore I might leave.

Like i can easily get away without doing homework but physics like i wouldn't even try, but i've gotten away with it twice but she might check which i'm scared lol. It's better to have a strict teacher who has a lot of experience than someone who's chill.
oh ok. So does the teacher explain it well? Yeah I agree. Just wondering are you attending the holiday course for MX1?
Dec 17, 2019
At the moment, yeh he's explaining pretty well but tends to quicken up the pace cause he thinks we know what to do. Sometimes explains once and moves on but sometimes he actually asks if we need to go over it. He sometimes picks on people to answer his q's so yeh he's good in that aspect.

@Cherrybomb56 I'm not gonna attend the MX1 holiday course cause my class is already pretty far ahead anyways.

Btw I didn't know there was a holiday course in the first place lmao


Active Member
Sep 3, 2019
At the moment, yeh he's explaining pretty well but tends to quicken up the pace cause he thinks we know what to do. Sometimes explains once and moves on but sometimes he actually asks if we need to go over it. He sometimes picks on people to answer his q's so yeh he's good in that aspect.

@Cherrybomb56 I'm not gonna attend the MX1 holiday course cause my class is already pretty far ahead anyways.

Btw I didn't know there was a holiday course in the first place lmao
I go to NGO for MX1 and it's great. I dont know about Physics, should i join? Is it good? Also what about Chemistry.

Pretty sure Im 2 modules behind but if I grind enough in the holidays I could possibly catch up. Is Chem and Phys worth it at NGO, I was thinking Ace tuitions but I live ages away from there.

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