Context: Currently 3rd year part time bCPM student at UTS, studying part time and working as a Cadet.
I don't know what you mean by 'how the course is' its really too vague to answer but, im going to try my best to answer it.
The course is generally really good!
Its a very diverse course which is the thing I like about it the most.
Its not a really hard course, I don't generally spend much time studying and I have a pretty good GPA (grade point average - average overall marks at uni). Its mostly about common sense but then again... common sense doesn't come easy for everyone.
Quite a laid back course.
People are generally pretty easy going in this course.
The course really pushes people towards gaining experience whilst studying, its generally meant to be like that for this course. There are a lot of jargon that they use and its quite confronting / confusing at the start.
As I said with gaining experince whilst studying... there is a minimum 200 day experience required before you can graduate.
Cadetships (same thing as internships) are generally how people get that experience but you can get it through any way as long as its construction related.
Cadetships are also generally easier to get in this degree than most other degrees, but dont forget it wont be handed to you.
Career wise;
Pretty much everyone going in wants to become a project manager. But unfortunately it takes around 10 years to get to that position. Its pretty much a senior managerial position - no ones going to make you senior manager if you dont have experience.
So with the career; you generally have 3 options to choose from when you finish your degree; (there is way too many things you do in a day to write it out so heres a summary. Also now that its a little more specific if you do a google search you should get some job lisitngs which will post roles and responsibilities)
1 - Contract administration - very generally speaking; Assistant to PM,Correspondence out, Correspondence in & Tendering for subbies
2 - Estimating - Pretty much estimating a job for a client in a period of 30 days. Getting quotes for trades - I.e; structural steel, doors, waterproofing, concrete, electrical hydraulic. its a high pressure role and you need to be able to think on your feet
3 - Site jobs; this include leading hand and project co-ordinator / site engineer
The best way to get a feel for all those three roles ^ is to get a cadetship from a construction company. It will let you experience all of them.
Becoming a PM also means you would need experience in all three of those categories.
Someone was bringing up 'too many wogs', but its quite multicultural at UTS - i'm a wog
Let me know if you have any other questions