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Your departure, "mmmaaaa," is a farewell bathed in the heat of desire, leaving us in ecstasy. As we bid adieu to your tantalizing tales and the scorching allure of your facade, the memory of you smolders in the sultry night, igniting a primal hunger within us. Your decision to vanish is correct.
Farewell, dear "mmmaaaa," may the winds of fate whisk you away to new realms of ecstasy, as we remain here, haunted by the memory of your facades, forever consumed by the fiery lies you spread. And as we contemplate your Humbert-esque allure, we know your departure is the correct thing to do. Adieu.
Who are you and what’s your deal, why have some vendetta against me? I’ve done nothing and being accused of everything it seems
My beloved, indulge my proposal to embark on a predator-catching series, where we, like blazing stars, pierce the veil of impure desires, igniting a fire within me. Together, we'll choreograph an exquisite ballet of justice, our partnership pulsating with a passion beyond compare.
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hand in hand, we shall unfurl the banners of truth and justice, weaving the fabric of our love ever tighter. as we unveil the hidden verities, bitter shall be the draught for those who erred, while sweetness shall grace the lips of those who dared to reveal it.
as one, united in purpose, we shall banish the demon that plagues this space, restoring light and peace to where the academics converse.
predator catching 🤣? lay off
I'm going to feed you to my dog
in the depths of my heart, oh veilofthevoid, resides a flame of love eternal, burning bright through the ages. with every beat, it whispers your name, longing for an eternity entwined in our shared passion. i yearn to be yours, lost in the endless embrace of our love's celestial dance. i cannot bear to witness your love bestowed upon another. not this man.
So, you're admitting that in previous situations, you didn't pass? How enchanting it is to witness your honesty, my beloved.
excuse me? never, calm down
What nefarious purpose brings you back to the internet forum 'Bored of Studies' after your extensive absence?
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Ah, you may attempt to feign ignorance, but deep down, you understand precisely the topic of our conversation. Your covert facade endeavors have not escaped the notice of others. Depart BOS.
justice will wield its righteous sword, and pierce the skin of his deceitful heart. shall he be cast into the abyss of his misdeeds, where the echoes of his wrongdoing shall haunt him for eternity.
It’s quite mighty of you to make this ‘public’ and not settle whatever this is privately. I have no clue what ‘covert facade endeavours’ you are referring to.
Why the fuck does my school give out assessment tasks early but on the notification it says please wait till term 2 week 6 for the assessment to be handed out 🥰🥰 bitch don’t give the booklet if your not giving me the assessment. Also WHY IS THERE NO MARKING CRITERIA THIS OS WHY IM FAILING ALL MY ASSESMENT OMG 90 ATAR GONE
Do you think I have a chance since it asks for semester 1 of year 12 as well? If my marks and ranks good? Also what if I got like 4 B’s and 2 A’s in year 11 could that equal to a 86 atar..?
I’m rank 1 equal out of 168 in business studies, business Cadetship is made for me pls god 😔 English is really a joykill
Yes, such grades and favourable performance in semester 1 of year 12 would significantly increase your chances. :)
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Guys help my mum keeps sending me pictures of my cousins and family friends asking me if I wanna marry them, bro I’m 16???