Music 1 or Music 2!? can someone help me out?:) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
hey guys, i'm not in yr 12 and haven't had to go through the pressures of hsc yet, but im choosing my subjects for yr 10 and will be there soon.
(well....chose already...sorta), and i'm trying to figure out which music course to do!

1 or 2?

Im a bari sax player, haven't done a grade but am roughly 6th-7th and love my jazz, and don't mind playin classical (any fun music).

I've been told 1 is a bludge and 2 is hard but im not worried bout the challenge.

can anyone help? got my school certificate tommorow morning....
wish me luck!



Apr 18, 2003
the world that exists in my mind
hmm i did mus1 but i think i'd have liked to have at least tried mus2 looking back. so i think i'd say try mus2 and if you don't like it i think you can change to mus1 (i'd check with that cos i'm not 100% sure if you can). just see how it goes
oh and good luck for tomorrow!you'll be fine :)


RN in 2007
May 1, 2003
you can change your courses up to start of the HSC year (so you can do yr 11 and then swap) so id say start off as music 2, then if you find its not as accomodating for the sax you can switch to music 1

my friend dropped mus 2,hard for her to find sax music that fitted into our topic....she went to music 1 in yr 12 and did jazz and stuff. absolutely loved it and her talent shone through cos she could play pieces that were actually written for sax, not transcriptions of Mozart piano conertos and things (hehehe once we ended up playing the same piece- me on piano and her on sax...twas funny indeed

its personal choice really, but i should warn you (from my experience) that music 2 has much more theory in it. of course that may be different for other classes, but i knwo that when i merged 3 times a week with the music 1 class, i found their stuff to be much less theory, more prac.

good luck with whatever you choose, and keep posting here next year if you need help through your course cos there are heaps of musos out there who dont mind helping you out!

parko :D
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
cheers parko, you've helped alot!

I've got music down, and everyones told me the same thing

"don't do music 2! its too damn hard, do 1.
What!? you've been playing the sax for 6 years!? lmao do music 2 for gods sake".

So yeah, i'll go for music 2 for now and drop down if it just isn't me!

and thanks again parko
its definitely been helpful! this site should help me score a few hsc marks eh'?:)


RN in 2007
May 1, 2003
no worries midget!

music 2 is hard only if you make it hard!

prac is no problems for most people, just study the level you are at (try pushing for 7th if you feel up to it by the time the HSC comes around). but make sure the piece fits your technical capabilities. There's no point otherwise!

composition is fun! a little scary just cos you have NO idea where to start from, but when you have a finished product and look back through your porfolio and see your progress, you feel pretty proud at what you've done! (all those nights staying up until 3am to finish comps.....ah the memories!)

the theory is the scary part! just try and immerse youself in as much stuff as you can. thats honestly the number 1 bit of advice i got over the last 2 yrs. i almost drowned in piano music last yr, from mozart to hindson and everything in-between. listen to compositions for sax that are both transcriptions of classical pieces and modern compositions. can you find differences? similarities? which ones sound better? etc etc etc. analyse different pieces, this also gives you a great basis for picking your performance songs, while giving you a huge pool of knowledge for your essay!

im sure you will find music 2 heaps of fun, just work at it, im sure you'll be fine!

its much easier to drop down, than to pick up. so yes try music 2 and if it isnt your cup of tea (or coffee even) then just drop to music 1

good luck. keep us posted with how u go. if u would like any other help then pm or email me. address is in my profile (i think.....)

parko :D

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