Managing time... (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Oct 4, 2014
So I am thinking of keeping SDD this year after all, meaning staying at 12 units.

I get home at 4.30 and head to bed at 8.30. This only gives me 4 hours and includes dinner and breaks so I would say I can spend max 3 hours a weeknight on study. I know I head to bed early but to be honest it means I will work much much better the next day. I also take Friday nights off.

On the weekends my goal is 6 hours per day (1hr per subject).

Is 3 hours per weekday and 6 on the weekend going to be enough to get an ATAR of say 95? It means 4 hours per subject per week.

Also love to hear some time management tips :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
I know this will sound quite vague, but it honestly depends on the person; how well they function, what is their motivation behind studying and whatnot, and the priorities they set. Personally, I'm an advocate of setting goals instead of saying "rite guise, gonna 2 hours for engrish and 2 hours for maffs". Because if you're just attributing your study in terms of how much time you spend, well... then you're doing it wrong. But yeah, having a to-do list in my opinion is better since you have specific things to tick off, thereby giving you a sense of achievement.

Remember: X hours does not mean you get Y ATAR. Someone can be doing 2 hours of study each day and get a 90 ATAR, whereas someone who kills themselves with 6 hours of study may only receive 70.

Again, it's all relative to the student.
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Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
Have you considered sleeping a bit later during the week? If you sleep at about 9:30, you get an extra hour to do things everyday and that can give you 4-5 hours extra a week :) Sacrificing 1 hour of sleep a day won't be too much of a detriment (I think I was running on 5-7 hours of sleep a night everyday during year 12, and I'm managing to stay alive haha)

There's no specified time about how long you need to spend on each subject, I do 11 units and I spent about 60-70% of my time on maths and English alone (7 units there -.-) so it is heavily dependent on what needs to be done. Also X time =/= Y ATAR. It's more about knowing which parts of the assessment criteria to nail, and how effective your preparation for it is.

For some time management tips, always prioritise what work you need to get done first (e.g. do work that's due first or do work you know will take a bit longer than others). Year 12 is all about prioritisation and making sure you get done what needs to be done. I suggest keeping a diary or something that has a list of everything you need to get done. Leave some time on the weekend to make notes in preparation for actually studying for any exams.

Make lists of what you're going to get done on the day and make sure you get them done!!! Catching up on work the next day can be extremely laborious and unpleasant (and at times demotivating because you're going to be like, "ugh should have done this yesterday"). Make sure any lists you make for yourself are achievable, you do not want to demotivate yourself by creating crazy and unachievable lists.

Best of luck for year 12 :)


Premium Member
Aug 23, 2012
Uni Grad
How early do you wake up considering how early you sleep every day? Have you considered doing some study before school?


Active Member
Oct 4, 2014
How early do you wake up considering how early you sleep every day? Have you considered doing some study before school?
I wake up at 6, then exercise for half an hour and practice handwriting for half an hour. I find that I need the 9.5 hours in order to have enough energy, plus the exercise helps with energy as well. Then I shower, eat breakfast, make lunch etc. from 7 until 7.45 and I get to school around 8.15. I guess I could be spending half an hour before school every day doing study. That would probably add up pretty quickly. If I did that 4 times a week, that's already 2 hours right there. Maybe I will dedicate that time to assignment work for now.

Plus I may need to start working lunchtimes, I can probably just do 2 a week cause of leadership meetings and other stuff, but if I do 30mins each for 2 lunchtimes then I already have an hour extra.

If I can get in a routine of 3 hours per weekday, and 6 hours on the weekend I will be very very happy. Unlikely I will manage 6 hours on the weekend, probs more like 4 or 5 for now but probably will end up pretty close to 6 when assignments kick in :)

Also I need to focus on being more productive; mainly speeding up my note taking.

I think that I am going to make a study timetable to work this all out, but haha your 2 sentences really triggered me strawberrye!!!!!!
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