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i have an on the reasons for abolishment of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.thanks.xox (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
fuck off pedo's
hey guys
i have an 1200 word essay
the question is:
To what extend did morality result in the abolishment the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in the 18th Century?

i was thinking of talking about different reasons for abolishment in different regions

 If slaves worked in a property, they had to be accommodated with food, shelter, clothing. The costs for running a slave in some areas exceeded the amount of money they profited from them. It was proven to be cheaper simply to employ migrants and pay them a certain wage. This saved time and money.
o An example of where this economic issue was present was in Brazil. They had a higher status for their slaves and hence spent more money on their welfare, which resulted in them not making any profits.

The American Civil War
 In the Civil War the Southerners, known as the Confederates during the Civil War, fought against the Union, representing the moral North USA. They lost the battle, and therefore were forced to cease slavery in the area.
 The Southerners wanted to keep slavery because they had a booming agriculture in the cotton industry, as well as also producing tobacco and rice. The main labour force in the area was slaves, and they were treated under very poor conditions and cheap expenses so that the slave owners profited from the business.

 Religious morality in the U.K resulted in the abolishment of slavery. In the Ten Commandments of the Bible it states, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” This shows that God intended all men to be equal and hence anyone involved in slavery was doing the wrong thing according to the Bible, since slavers were being treated as an inferior race.
 “Humanist” morality in the US from Thomas Jefferson resulted in a belief against slavery. Jefferson described that “All men are created equal”. However, it was proven that Jefferson owned 175 slaves and that therefore what he was saying was hypocritical.
 The harsh and inequitable treatment of slaves in the South, where they were literally worked to death, opened up the minds to many people who later became abolitionists.

 In Brazil the people in power saw slavery as a form of injustice and inhumane treatment. Such examples of these people were Dom Pedro, who signed the Golden Law in 1888 and Joaquim Nabuco, who was a wealth land-owner and founded the Brazilian Anti-Slavery Society.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


Premium Member
Nov 12, 2005
NB the American Civil War was in the mid-19th Century not in the 18th century with the formal abolition taking place in 1863 when Lincoln signed the Abolition Act.

Please check with your teacher the actual dates of your essay - 18th century wouldn't even cover the actual abolition of slavery within the British empire, which ended in 1807 (the 200th anniversary of which was only held last weekend). I don't know of anywhere where slavery was actually abolished in the 18th century (but I don't know much about the situation in the Spanish and/or Portuguese colonies as I don't teach this topic - only the American Civil War).

The plan of your essay seems fine as long as your teacher wants you to go into the 19th century.

Really check the dates you are supposed to cover.

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