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  1. I

    youre a douche

    youre a douche
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    Software Design - Show of hands...

    It is good but itd b betta if we had a good teacher....
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    Poetry is stupid

    You dont like others presuming what you would or would not do, but you are fine with presuming that 'Psychics do not use literary techniques'. The Hollow Men and other like poems have also been re-interpreted many many times, so what is your point in mentioning that the Bible has also been...
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    Poetry is stupid

    We don't know his intentions in the first place because they are clouded by his own devices, in particular that of allusion. IMO, an authors intentions does not have to be plain to see but must be able to be found. I believe that it is the authors duty, to express their intention in a way that...
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    Committments other than academic?

    Perfect UAI?? Who you gonna gloat to after you get it??
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    Wow....tons of ppl doing with me IMO, othello is better than some of his other plays which drag on and on and on... What im just wondering about is how long Shakespeares plays will be in the HSC syllabus for and whether there will be a point where the Board of studies says...
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    Poetry is stupid

    Where did we state that poetry was solely to render a poet's intentions? Of course there is more depth than that. We are just saying that his extremely extensive use and quite overambitious use of allusions, to the point that EVERY line has multiple allusions to different texts (most likely much...
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    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Patrician Brothers College Fairfield
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    How's your time management going?

    i find it best not to use the computer at all whilst i am studying. Its also best to find a place away from most distractions, particularly technological distractions, eg fone, internet, tv. as for study timetables, it works for some and for some it doesnt. Depends whether you are good at...
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    Poetry is stupid

    Bloody Idiot :rolleyes:
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    Poetry is stupid

    IMO, the use of smiley faces or the use of "" clearly shows it was a joke. If you can pick up on Eliots' message (if any) through a multitude of allusions then im sure a bit of humour wouldnt be too hard, would it? In on the joke? Its not a private joke or anything. How you see it is as...
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    Poetry is stupid

    Who said anything about forcing our views on anyone else. We are merely stating an opinion and arguing our case (yes i admit, a little fiercer than usual). Replies have been made to argue their case as well, if you have not noticed. On a forum, that is what people can do. Someone states an...
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    Poetry is stupid

    Back up claims with actual proof? It was just sarcasm, again. It thought it was clearly evident. Jokes dont require proof as back up. Thats why they're jokes.
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    Poetry is stupid

    Straight men turn gay...what do you think happened with
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    Poetry is stupid

    opinion and truth are completely different things
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    I need Recommendations.

    I also do physics, IPT, SDD and maths 2u (i do all 2u this yr and 3u nxt yr). How are you doing in your other subjects? If you are doing fine, then you should keep 3u maths and see how you end up at the end of yr 11, and make a decision then. If you are not doing as well as you hoped in your...
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    Poetry is stupid

    With absolute pleasure ;) well, well....where to start?? Firstly, with the hypocricy comment. Bit harsh. The sarcasm was clearly evident there. Secondly, with the two following paragraphs. Im pretty sure everyone here knows and agrees with that. No real point reiterating what we know...
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    Poetry is stupid

    Poetry isnt the only way humans have expressed themselves literacy-wise. Others include novels/novellas/short stories, songs, diary entries, recounts, reports, essays, discussions and editorials, just to name a few. It's just that you are implying that poetry is the only way that humans have...
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    Poetry is stupid

    I think the a better title for this thread would've been 'eliot is stupid' or 'the hollow men is stupid' or something of that sort. I dont think is saying that poetry in general is stupid...
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    Poetry is stupid

    You can't be serious?? How can you say that any message the author may or may not have been trying to get across is IRRELEVANT?? Of course it is relevant. An author creates a text to reveal a message, whether it be about their opinions, ideas, beliefs, etc. Why should you even bother to write a...