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  1. keladry

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    how's this for fcuked up? i have 8 hours straight every second monday, 7 hours straight every second thursday, and only 2 lectures on friday. and i finish at 5 or 6 most days. and on wednesday i start at 8 and finish at 6. and u know the really fcuked up bit? this is the best timetable i can...
  2. keladry

    USYD Favourite hangouts on campus

    used to be wentworth lvl 4/5 but now just lvl 4. always someone there... well mostly =P is it just me or is lvl 4 comprised of mostly 2nd years?
  3. keladry

    BoS USyders 2006! (Roll Call)

    Re: BoS USyders 2006! cf sig
  4. keladry

    The Da Vinci Code

    it was interesting, and very fast-paced with some long exposition thrown in. it's not really my kind of book, but it was enough to keep me occupied for a few hours. it kinda of reminded me of anne rice's version of the origin of the vampires and other vampire myths - legend, fact and mostly...
  5. keladry

    What are you currently Reading?

    the new book by Anne Bishop, Sebastian. quite good so far; interesting world, characters and plot, if slightly predictable.
  6. keladry

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    BIOL1903-Human Biology (Advanced) 69.0 Credit (i wanted a distinction! damn shoulda stuck with normal) CHEM1909-Chemistry 1 Life Sciences B Mol (Adv) 69.0 Credit (i'm happy) MATH1003-Integral Calculus and Modelling 40.0 Fail (knew i was going to fail) MATH1005-Statistics 69.0 Credit (it's ok)...
  7. keladry

    Favourite Character?

    bleh... i actually liked edward ferrars better - so cute when he blushes! and he has a sense of honour, unlike some others...
  8. keladry

    Books school has ruined

    me and my friend were talking today about the stuff we did for english in school. he pointed out that most texts that we study for school are ruined even if they were good. but i reckon that the really good ones will never be wrecked. so which ones were ruined for you? or were the absolute...
  9. keladry

    Anyone write as well

    why not? it's fun, good creative output, u get discipline to finish stuff, it's scaled massively, and u can do whatever u want. i did 4u english too, but in the end i dropped it coz it just took too much time from my other subjects. it was a choice between doing something i enjoyed, or getting...
  10. keladry

    If you used to be a fan of the Babysitters Club

    bsc was a on-off thing for me, like goosebumps and nancy drew. i vaguely remember enjoying the series, but really it was like something i read when i ran out of other things to read or was bored. i really didn't like any of them, except for claudia and mallory (is that her name?). didn't relate...
  11. keladry

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    that's a fairly common theory, but can horcruxes be made unintentionally? voldemort wasn't intending (as far as we know) to make harry a horcrux - is that even possible? harry was probably going to be the kill for a horcrux tho.
  12. keladry

    Most annoying book of all time

    i wonder if there actually is a book that everyone hated. just curious.
  13. keladry


    really anything that counts as "literature" seems to have one thing in common - longevity. if the da vinci code and harry potter (which is being studied in school now) are still being published 100 years in the future, will they finally be counted as "literature"? well i haven't read much in...
  14. keladry

    The Silmarillion (Prequel to the Hobbit --> Prequel to LOTR)

    personally i think the unfinished tales were worse. they were just a bunch of notes with a lot of notation, and a few pieces that were finished by his son. really, these kind of books should only be for people who actually study middle-earth. but then who knows? i was sorta one of those people...
  15. keladry

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    i'm not convinced that snape killed dumbledore for an evil reason tho... somehow to have snape, a complex character, turn one-dimensional doesn't sound right to me...
  16. keladry

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    10? that's a optimistic view =P there's something like 2000+ named characters in wheel of time - talk about detail! btw i quite liked the kushiel trilogy by jacqueline carey. dark, unique plot, historically interesting, and the characters are great! a very unique heroine, and an interesting...
  17. keladry

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    isn't it fairly common knowledge? its been around for a while...
  18. keladry

    Semester 2, 2005 at Usyd (or 2005 at USyd)

    and that person that cleans the board in chem? i reckon its a guy with a lot of female hormones. me and my friends were speculating for a long time on that. i see we weren't the only ones =P
  19. keladry

    Semester 2, 2005 at Usyd (or 2005 at USyd)

    lol i think i know the stalker too... he doesn't talk to me directly tho - maybe he doesn't like asians? hahaha one thing good about being asian =P most ppl seem not to like us for some reason =S but please if u are referring to fobs, call them fobs! i'm asian and not a fob and strangely enough...
  20. keladry

    Pride & Prejudice fans- Where to buy "These Three Remain"?

    high quality fan-fiction? i think not. i read an except from the first book... very ordinary and probably overdone. *gag*