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  1. X

    Who does not give a rats ass abt the HSC? =P

    yep... or did. four exams left. how depressing - i don't feel confident about any of them any more. there is just so much stuff to know and everyone else is working so hard at learning it all.
  2. X

    The official.."i am so over it"..thread!

    yep =) i love that kind of thinking. it's sexy!
  3. X

    Who does not give a rats ass abt the HSC? =P

    i want to get 99 so that i'll have an easier time getting into the course i want to do at anu, but i don't really care about the hsc at all. am i just full of contradictions? it's a bit complicated: the prospect of locking myself up in a room and studying for hours makes me feel sick, as does...