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  1. L

    Late Round Offers out Wednesday 9pm

    got my second pref ...meh sorry really stupid question but can someone sort of further explain 'Courses to which no offers have been made on the basis of 2005 Australian Year 12 results are shown on the course list with an asterisk (*) in place of a UAI cut-off.' so no offers were made...
  2. L

    Post your (mid) 2006 Uni Offers here

    B Design in Architecture at Usyd
  3. L


    got into usyd : ) yayyyyyyyyy
  4. L


    Hey wow I know exactly how you are feeling. I want to go to usyd but I'm still not very sure about it at all. I ended up putting usyd as first, unsw second, and uts third too haha.
  5. L

    Architecture at NSW or UTS

    I am. what about Usyd????
  6. L

    EE2 Marks!

    internal - 50 external - 50 and they advised against an absurdist play. hah.
  7. L

    CONFESS! how many pages did u write?

    7 6 17 there's time management for you.
  8. L

    Module C - Powerplay

    hahah it's ben chan!!! say hi to lloyd for me and you are wrong, the question was gay for powerplay today. in hay.