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  1. S

    Contradictory Physics

    We HSC students are being robbed of correct physics understandings. From what i have read! Most texts books say two things 1 -- That a superconductor excludes a magnetic feild! 2 -- That the meisner effect is created by induced eddy currents composed of cooper pairs that oppose the...
  2. S

    Who got nominated for INTECH 2006 post up your projects

    Yeah who else got nominated for INTECH 2006. What did you make? Post up pictures of your projects! I made a liquor trolley
  3. S


    I find palmistry incredibly interesting. I just recently found out who was one of my gaurdian angels. Who else has read stuff or is interested in Palmistry...? Ive tried it out on several of my friends. sometimes i get lines of ppl wanting me to tell them about their lives etc Just for...