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  1. F

    How many pages did you write? [Merged]

    How Many Pages? Wondering just how much everyone wrote... I know handwriting, size etc become variables but I'm just interested for comparitive reasons. Elaine
  2. F

    Is it impossible to get above 80s now?

    Dont be too scared about UWS - I initally thought it was a last resort uni however I recently went for the open day at the Parramatta campus and SHIT it changed my view of the uni completely! SO new and fresh, really helpful lectures - it impressed me more than Mac Uni open day and UTS (i...
  3. F

    trials 2006

    Hey Is that you Tori - I was just checking out this forum to see how the rest of the state went in the Catholic schools paper... in other words if they f'd up as badly as we did .... or if it was a certain teacher's fault.