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  1. K

    Internet Access at UNSW

    is there any website around to view usage? eg a usage meter?
  2. K

    What do I need for med at UNSW?

    oops! sorry i didn't think about it.
  3. K

    Bonded Medical Places

    I recieved a bonded place, my UAI is 94.25 and just in case you're wondering how on earth I managed to get accepted to medicine - I'm a rural entry student. I was pretty proud of my UAI before I read this message thread! Now I'm not so sure I'm "up to scratch".. Personally I think I'll cope...
  4. K

    What do I need for med at UNSW?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone out there can give me a hand. I've been accepted to study medicine at UNSW and I was just wondering if anyone could give me a couple of tips on what I need to take with me. I have a laptop.. I also got some paper and pens but other than that I have no idea. Are...
  5. K

    UNSW O-Week 2006

    is it possible to get your id card after o-week? i definately can't get to sydney before saturday the 18th.. unless they're open on w/e's which i doubt.. i'll have to wait until monday of o-week =o( can you reccomend me a time to do it in?
  6. K

    Internet Access at UNSW

    one more question, how does one go about paying for in room internet access at unsw? eg, is it a prepaid type thing where i have so much money on an account, then it runs out, or is it billed to me? Thanks.
  7. K

    Internet Access at UNSW

    Thanks for all the replies, very useful information. I think the best solution for the time being would be to stick with on campus internet access and see how it goes, after all there is no contracts etc... if that doesnt work out Unwired would be the current next best thing. will be...
  8. K

    Internet Access at UNSW

    Hi, I will be studying at UNSW this year and living on campus. I am currently looking into my options for internet access and have a few questions, hoping someone may know the answers. UNSW offers in room Ethernet Internet access charged at 6c/mb (Wireless at 10c/mb) which works out to be...
  9. K

    enrolling in med @ UNSW

    ah, i was just about to ask exactly the same question! i have no idea if i enrolled properly or anything either :P but from the sounds of things i think i did. i got in to UNSW med too so hopefully i'll see you there ;o)
  10. K

    whats in the newspapers?

    yeah i'm pretty sure the uai cutoffs are in it. i'm no expert but i think what happens is they have your first initial and last name and the course number you get into. and on another page are the uai cutoffs. don't quote me but i think thats about right :P good luck tomorrow night =o)
  11. K

    Notification of successful entry to medicine at UNSW

    oh =o( i'm a rural entry student. but i moved mid december and didn't notify them of my new address as i didn't really have one (still don't, my parents moved to another town and i stayed so i'm kinda being shoved around between different relatives and friends until uni) i figured my email was...
  12. K

    Notification of successful entry to medicine at UNSW

    Hi, I'm new here so please be nice =o) I was just wondering if any prospective medicine students for 2006 or any medicine students currently studying at UNSW could clarify something for me. I heard (from relatively reliable sources) that UNSW notifys applicants via email that they have been...
  13. K

    who got OVER 90 whoz school wasnt in the top 100?

    i got 94.25 and i come from good old dubbo college senior campus =o) its a public school.. i did adv english, mathematics, mathematics ext1, physics, chem and bio. i didn't know there was a list of top 500 schools.. i thought it was just 200. but i doubt mine would have made it =o)