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  1. K

    Smartstart UWS

    Last year I didn't get a phone call or an invitation for a presentation, I just received an A4 envelope in the mail which included a certificate and cheque for the money. Nice surprise might I add. ^^
  2. K

    bail application

    Thanks for trying, maybe I'm just digging in to deep ><. We're using the Hayes + Eburn book.
  3. K

    bail application

    Or do I have to prove that the offence charged with is not an exception under s 9? Hence it is an offence under s 9? ><
  4. K

    bail application

    "Note the exceptions to this provision including murder and domestic violence offences under s 9A (see below 3.4) - these are offences for which there is no presumption for or against the granting of bail. Under s 13, an accused is still eligible for bail even though there is no entitlement to...
  5. K

    bail application

    Hello people, what is the effect of having a presumption against and for bail? Does it change the onus on who should prove what or something or rather? Thanks
  6. K

    Intro to Law reader

    You'll have to wait till they order more stock, or you could go to another campus's Co-op bookshop (preferably Campbelltown/Parramatta) and see if they have it. If you're desperate, ask a student that has one, if you could photocopy it.
  7. K

    Family Law

    Yep, I'm enrolled in the unit. I've done Intro to law. So the students are going to mainly be 4th/5th yr students and the lecturer expects a lot ... great, i guess its too late to change units. I hope I can cope :( Thanks for the advice.
  8. K

    Family Law

    It's under unit materials.
  9. K

    Family Law

    Has anyone here done Family Law?? Is it really challenging? Anyone had Sue Armstrong, any comments? The thing just came up on WebCT and i read the unit outline, it sounds extremely difficult. I'm a second year (my timetable is all stuffed up). *stresses* :S ><
  10. K

    Uws --> Uts

    I'm gonna go to that RPL session on Wednesday and see what happens. Thanks so much for the helpful comments. Much appreciated :)
  11. K

    Uws --> Uts

    Thanks for the reply. I dunno if I should go to UTS. Cause wouldn't it be more competitive than UWS, hence, harder? But do they do similiar things? I was thinking if I am going to do law then I might as well do it in a more respectable uni ... but then a degree is a degree and the rumours...
  12. K

    Uws --> Uts

    Hey I received an offer to study law at UTS and I'm currently in my second year studying Business/Law at UWS. Does UTS give exemptions to all subjects studied in the first year at UWS, so if I accept the offer I would only have 3 years left of studying at UTS?? So my law units would be exempted...
  13. K

    Summer School

    Hey regarding the summer school thing, can I choose a 10 cp Non-Law Unit for my Non-Law Electives that will add to 10 cp to my degree so I have less one subject in the final semester? In addition, even though I am enrolled in Campbelltown, just for Summer School can I enrol in units that are...