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  1. MaK

    Uai Prediction Plz!!!!

    Standard Eng 50 12/52 Maths 33 37/45 Drama 54 8/10 Economics 39 18/23 IPT 35 14/24 i didn't study for trials.. but what would i need in the HSC to get 70-73. Thank you.
  2. MaK

    Keep a Routine and Studying tips

    Does anyone have any really good routines for studying and for writing notes and being organized cause those are my main problems.
  3. MaK

    Notes for Economics?

    Entering year 12.. wondering if anyone could help me out with the notes?
  4. MaK

    Where abouts is UNE

    How far do you say it is from like Bondi, or the city.
  5. MaK

    Year 12 Subjects

    What would i have to get in each subject to get around 80 for my UAI, i know its hard considering some of my subjects but i want to know. Economics 2U, IPT 2U, Drama 2U, Eng Standard 2U Math General.