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  1. M

    the fifteeth gate?

    is anyone studying tehe fiftieth gate? is there any notes on that.
  2. M

    2002 trial exam

    does anyone know where i can get ma hand on the 2002 catholic trials exam. plz thanx
  3. M

    King Lear at Bondi

    i really found it boring as well, but after speakin toi the director and the producer, it actualy made more sense as i was confused. it is actually relevant to this study as we need to understand that shakespear only wrote of issues in his world and the issues that carry on in life. and wat...
  4. M

    King Lear at Bondi

    yer i made a few notes throught the bondi production on 17th march, i found it mundain and not ostentatious, and confused me more through the transformation form jacobean to contemporary life. realise the simplicity of the staging, Gemma the director explains the simplicity; she states that...
  5. M

    business 2003 hsc

    Hey does anyone kno the answers for the hsc 2003, i searched the board of studies site, but there is none
  6. M

    2003 hsc

    hey does anyone know or have the solutions for the 2003 hsc exam paper. plz send it here or to my email thanx mwa
  7. M

    King Lear Assessment

    thank u so much, very appreciated. god bless u mwaa
  8. M

    King Lear Assessment

    hey would anyone be able to give me some points i can write on an essay i got. umm i got to: explain how the two opening scenes of king lear engage the ausience, i already spoke of the fact that the opening scenes engage the audience in a plot of parralelism in which deception is the prime motif.
  9. M

    jewish perception on abortion

    hey can anyone pass on any noted they have taken on the standpoint of the jewish tradtion on the issue of abortion. please i got a speech and have to finish this A.S.AP.aghhhhhh:confused: