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  1. F


    *bump* I just downloaded the UoS from this site, and man this course looks like a load of crap. Anybody beg to differ? :(
  2. F

    usyd enrolment

    Don't rely on this 100%, but you can probably get your student ID after enrolment. Last year, I accidentally forgot the last step of the enrolment process - getting my ID card. I just called the SIO the day after when I realised my mistake, and then went in a couple of days later to get the card.
  3. F

    usyd enrolment

    Yeah, the ID's required to get your student card.
  4. F


    Yay! I got a USyd Law transfer too :) Though I'm holding out for a late round Comm (Lib) offer because I've realised that's the course I'd prefer more.
  5. F

    usyd enrolment

    How do you withdraw from your previous course? MyUni? I just assumed it would be done on enrolment day. Sorry for all the questions, I just can't seem to find much info on the Usyd site :o
  6. F

    usyd enrolment

    Would the Results Notice USyd mails out suffice as appropriate documentation? I don't particularly want to spend $11.00 (yeah yeah I'm a scrooge) on an Academic Transcript that only covers my 1st year at uni, and will be only used as evidence for enrolment =/ And when applying for credit, do...
  7. F

    usyd enrolment

    Thanks for the info :) I wish you were wrong though :( So don't want to brave those enrolment queues again.
  8. F


    Yeah I had the same problem too when choosing my 1st year history subjects. I did HSTY1076 (American History from Lincoln to Clinton) and HSTY1044 (20th Century Politics and Culture). I found American history too concerned with the cultural/social sides of history, whereas I prefer the...
  9. F

    usyd enrolment

    Can anybody enlighten me on the enrollment process for transfers? Provided I get the transfer, will I have to enroll in person like the 1st years, or can I just vary things online via MyUni's pre-enrollment?
  10. F

    Bachelor of Commerce (liberal studies)

    Just curious, where did you hear that from? My friend doing the degree says only 30 people got accepted in her year (2008). I just dismissed this as hearsay until now... Hopefully the quotas have risen in the past couple of years =/ I know of at least 7 people applying for a transfer who have...
  11. F

    Commerce (Liberal Studies) usyd transfer

    Wow, I didn't know this. Two questions: 1. What if you didn't do the full 48 cp load in your 1st year? ...are you then not considered =/ I only did 42 cp last year. 2. What if you got above the UAI cut-off? My 2007 UAI pretty much guarantees me transferring into Comm (liberal studies)....but...
  12. F

    Ok now I'm getting a little desperate

    One of my friends screwed up the HSC too. He's basically going to do a non-awards program at Macquarie Uni (you should read up if USyd offers it too). This is where he does 12 credit points worth of uni subjects and if he gets a PASS average, he's allowed to transfer into BArts in 2nd year...
  13. F

    Finance Honours

    The Faculty website says that it's very competitive to get a place in Finance honours, with the stated minimum being a WAM of 70. Does anybody know what the actual minimum WAM actually is? Would a WAM of 78 not be enough?
  14. F

    Double degree benefits/disadvantages

    Oh that's so true. I reckon the extra Comm degree gives a slight edge over single degree Engo students, but the extra Engo degree matters for nothing if you're headed for the business industry.
  15. F

    Double degree benefits/disadvantages

    Erm, you have to take into account that uni in reality operates a lot differently from your high school perspective. Last year, I too thought that a double degree would show you have more versatility, critical thinking etc but it's really not the case. I'm doing Comm/Engineering at USyd...
  16. F

    Do 1st year units count in your GPA/WAM?

    my reaction too. thanks for the info guys :)
  17. F

    Do 1st year units count in your GPA/WAM?

    As the title says. Would my slacking off this year affect me in 4 years' time?
  18. F

    95+ Uai

    Of course you can. I'm averaging (around 50/180) at my top 20 selective school and my UAI estimate's APPROXIMATELY 98.7
  19. F

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    I was thinking that too. For my prelim, I got 94 in 2 Unit and 40(/50..haha) for Ext 1. I think I'm only around average out of my cohorts who are planning to continue 4U next year. Would it be more worthwhile, UAI-wise, to drop 4u and focus on getting a high 2u mark? Or stick around and get an...
  20. F

    screwed up an assessment

    How about if you were aiming for a 99+ UAI? Would that screw up your chances? :(