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  1. Patricio

    Is 1 Gen-Ed enough?

    Hey all Just wondering, do we have to do 2 gen-eds (eg 2x3UOC) if it says 6UOC of gen-eds? Or are we allowed to do 1 6UOC gen-ed (eg: GENT0430 Japanese for Beginners).
  2. Patricio

    Case Study

    Hey everyone...what do u think they will ask on the case study..? I know there are all those dot points under 'impacts of globalisation' but really, international convergence?? they cant really ask one alone with the country.....i mean it has to take up a whole essay! even combining two of...
  3. Patricio

    Case Study

    Hey everyone...what do u think they will ask on the case study..? I know there are all those dot points under 'impacts of globalisation' but really, international convergence?? they cant really ask one alone with the country.....i mean it has to take up a whole essay! even combining two of...
  4. Patricio

    one more question for GENRE students

    hey everyone! i just realised, that i started the first question with 'the best weapon...' thing, but didnt mention it again lol ! I went on my merry little way and wrote an essay, sure, but i dont think i referred to the 'best weapon' ever again lol! what do yous think about that...
  5. Patricio

    Genre students read this

    Hey everyone for that first question (sometimes the best weapon is...) I wrote about the genre (mine being the essay) and quoted and wrote about three essays that i studied......cause it DID say to write within or ABOUT the genre you you guys think that this will be cool? or not?
  6. Patricio

    Contemporary women Hinduism/Christianity

    Hi everyone! If anyone has notes on contemporary women in Christianity and/or Hinduism, could you please leave a message! I read somewhere on the BOS website that Indira Gandhi is not appropriate as she was motivated by political causes....but if you have good notes on her...put a msg down...