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  1. B


    its ok though my UAI isn't too important to me...
  2. B


    yeh senior science sorry and only standard english
  3. B


    business 66 band 3 english 66 band 3 maths 69 band 3 pe 72 band 4 ssc 73 band 4
  4. B

    The exam

    wat did everyone think of the exam?? i didn't find it too hard, pretty good actually.. i finished after 1.5 hours... the one about the naval vessel and microflora was a stupid question i reckon!! wat was everyone esle's thoughts??
  5. B

    "Last Minute Tips"

    i'm really very under prepared for this exam havent attented class since the trials so.. i'm not looking at doing to well... how do we structure a report again plzz anyone???