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  1. D

    - Law Transfer -

    is there some part of the UNSW website that mentions about transfers? Also, if i did consider full fee for one year then transfer to HECs, would you consider them successful to do?
  2. D

    - Law Transfer -

    So for my UAI will i need to obtain a D or HD? and how hard have you guys this year to try and get a D?
  3. D

    - Law Transfer -

    yeh for choice 1, seems enticing but what would happen if i'm one of the 60% that dont make it?..can be risky for choice 2, to get a distinction average can be hard and also risky :( would you suggest if i did a transfer that with a UAI of 97.25 i might only need a distinction average...
  4. D

    commerce/law degree

    how does the UAI affect the course? so a lower UAI means a crapper course?...not a good sign :confused:
  5. D

    - Law Transfer -

    hey guys, I'm currently facing a little dilemma about preferences for uni. I want to do commerce/law but i didnt get the marks to get into UNSW for law. I was considering a transfer into second year but would you think it is worth all the pressure of a distinction to high distinction...
  6. D

    Whats life like at Mac?

    do most of the students live around that area so that they just hang out around the Ryde area? would you reccommend the social life at Mac as opposed to USYD or UNSW?
  7. D

    commerce/law degree

    Hey, is there anyone out there that do this degree at Mac...cause i need some feedback about it...:cool:
  8. D

    Whats life like at Mac?

    is there much of a social life at do people have parties and stuff...and are there many night clubs, like the city, around there?....
  9. D

    Good luck all

    i'll be happy because this will be my last exam....:) but best of luck to everyone
  10. D

    Whose ready and whose screwed?

    hey leap, which text do you think is better real inspector hound or snow falling on cedars
  11. D

    EXT will be the death of me..

    I am probably more scared than you, after all, i'm probably expecting a band 1 or E1 cause i forget everything i would have learnt......argh...but then after the exam, it will be all over....
  12. D

    Crime Fiction

    mc lake even though it is almost last minute, what would you suggest to do beside study notes...i have this giant stack that i'm gradually sorting through and i feel like i know absolutely nothing...doesn't help when you have the crappiest teacher ever....know any good storyline plots or do...
  13. D

    USYD or UNSW law better?

    Minai, how do you know now if you cant manage a distinction average if you havent even started a course
  14. D

    2003 CSSA trial solution

    hey, is it possible that anyone can send me a copy of the solutions at