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  1. S

    UAI Prediction Please

    Excuse me don't tell me to fuck off this place is for everyone... no matter if they are a tool or not!!! I happen to know this guy
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    UAI Prediction Please

    i'd say probably low 40's. if you're lucky u might get about 46 because u're gay
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    uai prediction after results

    where's huy gone? can u do mine
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    uai prediction after results

    what about for me Business studies.....87 Band 5 English Adv....... 81 Band 5 English Ext1..... 35 Band E2 Geography.... 92 Band 6 Maths..... 82 Band 5 Music.... 75 Band 4
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    predict ur mark!

    36-37 I'm not that smart
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    Creative Piece For Genre?

    I thought it was alright. It was so scary during reading time, I was like WTF?!?!?!?! and then looked at sugared plum she seemed to have a good grasp and then i got scared. I wrote about Cordelia and how hopeless she is! I :chainsaw: her to bits.
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    In the skin of a lion

    As if... just manipulate it to say the mythical qualities of the book are that the values and ideas are contemporary and always will be then talk about the values then say the writing style is attractive hence people wil always like it
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    hahahah that's the funniest call ever
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    In the skin of a lion

    disagree most people i spoke to disagreed as well some agreed but it was a bit risky
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    writing with blue pen

    I write in Blacue It's a mixture between black and blue is that allowed?
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    Why doesn't anyway believe i can write 1.4 pages per minute?? huh? HUHH????? by the way don't expect to get any string for your next exam any of you i used it all they company ran out
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    I write reallly small but 22 for Module A 27 for Module B and I only had time for 38 for Module C I think I'm really good cos I write heaps and like bragging about it
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    My writings pretty small but 22 for Module A 19 for Module B 27 for Module C I was pretty happy with that I wanted 75 in total but oh well by the way I think I'm sooooooo good because i write so much and everyone who writes nothing are losers