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  1. C

    Medical Physics--what did you think?

    has anyone heard of this method before in q29 ii about Gadolinium? none of my class had heard of it n my teacher had never mentioned it or Gadolinium before, so i just bluffed my way through it. anyone in the same boat?
  2. C

    Retreat from the Global

    hey guys just wondering.... 1. did people make the picture into a 'significant' moment? 2. did you talk about the provided text as an actual text? or just passing reference? yay! finished!
  3. C

    RFTG - Fight club

    I really wanted to do Fight club as a supplementary text for a seminar i have to do. i have to compare this to prescribed texts but can only think of superficial comparisions, so does anyone know where i could find some notes about fight club and globalism? thanks