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  1. S

    invitation to unsw

    I was only teasing. And no I don't have either of his albums but I have a bunch of his stuff that my friend burned me...good stuff. I think it's funny on more levels than just the wog thing though. You have to love the reactions of the people he calls. My favourites are Plumber and...
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    invitation to unsw

    Nice to know your material is original. God, Guido's a funny man
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    invitation to unsw

    Have you ever heard of Guido Hatziz? You sound alot like him.
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    UNSW Give u a call/ or am I a prank victim?

    I got the call too and am supposed to be going to the lunch on Thursday. I just got an email about it. It's supposed to be hosted by UCS, which is (upon research) the UNSW Christian Society. So basically, we got invited because we filled in those surveys at Open Day - I only ever fill in those...
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    Language Placement Tests

    Thanks for the advice. Will keep all that in mind :)
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    2006 Subjects

    Session One FREN3103 French Language and Culture 4A GERS3410 - Advanced German 1 LAWS1052 - Foundations of Law PHIL1008 - Ethics and Society Session Two FREN3104 French Language and Culture 4B GERS3411 - Advanced German 2 LAWS1061 - Torts PHIL1010 - Thinking About Reasoning...
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    lonely @ O week

    Too cool for us or something?
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    lonely @ O week

    Hey Millymoo. I am going to be lonely too. Have the same problem about being a bit shy. I think the meeting up idea is a good one. We could even go all out and have like a BOSer Trivia Team. Or maybe I'm just lame lol. What Arts subjects are you going to do? Anyone for French and German? :)
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    Language Placement Tests

    Hi everyone. I was just wondering if any BOSers had done/were doing languages at UNSW and could tell me anything about the format of the placement tests. It's really difficult to know what to revise without knowing what the format is like. So if anyone could help me, that would be great! Thanks :)
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    French continuers - how'd you go

    score! that's what i wrote.
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    French continuers - how'd you go

    I think I may have been a little too creative on that one. I said my friend broke his leg and i was the only one available to take him to the hospital. drama drama drama.
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    French continuers - how'd you go

    Damnit i knew the not listening thing bit was ironic but i ran out of time and rushed onto the reading and responding mais c'est la vie. Oh and about the reading and responding letter, for future reference, the middle of most of our bilingual dictionaries have lots of nice phrases on how to...
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    King Lear Help

    My teacher said it is important to show how the 'creators' of various interpretations reached their overarching rationale from the text. i.e. you need to quote lots and link it to the interpretations and yes it is important to show how you would stage it but as someone pointed out, you show how...
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    Assessment Help Needed-Emma/Clueless

    Your Assessment We have only really just started Emma and Clueless so I can't so much help you with the context. However, you should definitely write something before hand but I suggest you do some sort of plan where you divide everything into points under sections for each paragraph. Running...
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    Oxbridge Hi Im not sure if this will be of any help but one of my friend's brothers got a bursary to study Classics, Ancient History at Cambridge b/c the headmaster of his school had some influence and suggested him for it. But if you have something that you are very good at such as the music...
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    Im doing Extension German and so not looking forward to our assesment on der Hunne tomorrow
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    BIG NAMES in 05

    My guess... I'd put some money on Josie Pang at Ascham she won some extremely prestigious Uni of Sydney award. Maybe not first but she will definitely do well
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    What would you like to see here? J'ai besoin de VOUS, et vos opinons!

    Comment tu peux améliorer Bonjour! Je pense que tu es un moderateur <not sure of french word and too lazy to look up> vraiment bien. Néanmois, j'ai besoin d'un peu d'aide pour le français éxtension. Est-ce qu'il y a des phrases qu'on peut utiliser dans les examens de parler ou d'écrire? Si...
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    Pride and Prejudice Script

    Quotes from P&P you can try it has a few releveant quotes there when you search for Pride and Prejudice (DVD). Hope this is of some use