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  1. K

    Need help MC question! plz

    what is equilibirum level of income if C=100+0.8y and I = 40 a)100 b)140 c)500 d)700 it is a simple maths equation C+I = Y (100+ 0.8Y) + I =Y ( 100+0.8Y) + 40 = Y 140+0.8Y = Y 140 = Y- 0.8Y 140 = 0.2Y THERFORE Y= 140 / 0.2 = 700 i hope that helps :)
  2. K

    New IR changes - divine advice from above (advice line)

    go to or sumthing along those lines ( do a search) and it has a very VERy basic outline .................... thats were i got my info and it straight from the horses mouth if u get what i mean....
  3. K

    micro ---> structural change

    think of mirco policy as assisting structural change and structural adjustment --> as it encourages effiecency and productivity which is part of structural change.
  4. K

    Workchoices - Macro or Micro?

    work choices are definately micro reform............ its part of the deregulation of the labour markets aiming for higher effeicncy and productivity , as well as eliminating inflationary pressures. hope that helps
  5. K

    Help on Globalisation

    sorry nosadness i made a mistake i got the question off the eco forum... its the second thread and its called short answers
  6. K


    its asif you guys read my mine........ im exactly the same i find it difficult to write about asutralia and globalisation but my teacher rekons to anaylse the imapcts u must addres the indicators Trade flow financial flows Investment internationalisation of labour markets technology...
  7. K

    Income ineqialiy and micro

    i mean mirco reform such as labour market reform , as u said before provide an incentive for workers.... thus in a sense it becomes up to them to work better to get increases pay Although it disadvatages some workers in the economy such as the lower levels one, who because of language...
  8. K

    Help on Globalisation

    a contagion as far as my understading goes refers to the cause of capital flight as in, the withdrawal of financial flows from one economy is contagious in a sense as people have a "herd mentality" --> an example in the asian economic crisis . And i got these questions from the resource...
  9. K

    Help on Globalisation

    thanks guys
  10. K

    Help on Globalisation

    i was just doin some short answer q's on topic one , and one question asked "demonstrate the difference between a real shock and a finanical shock and how each might be transmitted btween econmies" 4 marks I am a bit clueless... is it refering to capital flight and contagions when is say...
  11. K

    what topic scares you?

    The harder motions question get me............ i wa sfine when we did them in class but now. Pftt i just hope its not worth much in the exam lol
  12. K

    ...which ECO studies guide is better....

    Buy the Macquaire one if you choosing between execl and macquarie........... The reason i say this cozmy ecos teacher wrote it, its really good and easy to understand. Covers the syllabus to the 'T'
  13. K


    it is no intrusion at all.. it regards to your question, i beleive theorectially they can ask about a particular scene, chapter ect. however i very much doubt it . What my teacher always say, especially those who are markers etc, is that the BOS ( the real on) doesnt exactly wanna fail us all...
  14. K


    I just want to be clear on what we have to know for this component (BNW BR) * context * Link between Humanity and Nature * the tensions?? The reason i ask is that i am one of those people who memorises essays.... and so far my "generic" one has been fairly adaptiable to the question...
  15. K

    Texts unknown to markers?

    i think using unfamilair texts is the best way to go for a number of reasons: 1) they have nothing to compare you to 2) you could say as much as you want even if its exaggerated ( so as to suit the question ) and they wont even no. So i rekon go for it ... im using i picture book that i...
  16. K

    Japanese Assesment papers

    the best way to revise it to use the Charles stuart web site.... they have tones of different reading responding etc fro you to practise.
  17. K

    quick cheating question

    i mean unless they see you copying off someone in the exam room i dnt think there is much they can do..... It could just be that u guys memorised the same essay. And that isnt considered cheating or plagirisam in exam room conditions... thats what one of my teachers said once anyway...
  18. K

    Hsc Prediction....

    lol......... well mt economics teacher always used to stay fake it till you make it. so if you can make one up on the spot .. i take me hat off to u
  19. K

    Hsc Prediction....

    In my Trial exam they only asked for one related text in the journeys essay, i wanted to know what the consensus has been for other exams..... Are the BOS leaning towards one related... ???
  20. K

    Great Supplementary Text for Imaginative Journey!!!

    i thought you said its a great text for Imaginative journey????? how come you keep refering to inner journey then?