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  1. bugs

    The Darkness

    I went on Thurs! it was AMAZING - i loved it! The mosh pit was sooo INTENSE - loool Justin Hawkins was great- as was the bass!! me and my friends got lifted out of the mosh lool- <-- Fun!! :D there was this stoned guy.. hmm.. !!!
  2. bugs

    darker or lighter?

    Darker. not tanned. European. blue eyes :)
  3. bugs

    So, who's doing some good old GERMAN ?

    Re: Stammtisch It was realy good, we got free pretzels! - they were really big lol. Discounted german Beer. And the whole, upstairs to ourselves. lol and the barman was dressed in lederhosen!! :D there was a raffle too - :) - which i think wil be held monlthy from now on.
  4. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    Nein. Utterances in a foreign language are WAY better. ''Man bites dog'' :nod:
  5. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    ok.. cliches are just lame lines amateur poets use to woo their maidens :o Peter Schickele's sign off - "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that certain je ne sais quoi." --
  6. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    I hate cliches no matter what kind of wise ramifaction they attempt to put by me, their overuse taints it's credibility - surely someone can come up with something more original . I mean they're like platitudes, you know when you say 'Hi, how are you' to colleques/customers at work, and the...
  7. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    yeah, but when you look at those two regions the differences are rather distinct. ''beauty is in the eye of the beholder '' <-- ugh, i honestly can't stand that phrase, it has been severely overused :( - it has become rather 'cliche' -like the stuff you find on Hallmark Valentine's cards ...
  8. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    Ja, but that's cos they're half aussie right? rather than asian. I really have no idea - i don't know any 1/2 Greek/aussie people, nor have i seen any . what about aussies with dark hair? i guess they'd just get dark hair i spose. What region of Italy do you mean ? cos the North tends to...
  9. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    hmm that's interesting, because eurasians w/eng/chinese parents tend to look more asian than anglo.. I would'nt be suprised if half greek/asian kids looked more Greek. As Greeks tend to have very strong features well, generally - i guess you can't really say.
  10. bugs

    Interracial relationships

    Yeh, you don't see many asian guys with anglo saxon girls. But then again, my mum is English and my Dad's cantonese so there's one case. But to be honest in terms of youths today, i have not seen many - even though they're supposed to be more prevalent with mulitculturalism and all. wow i...
  11. bugs

    So, who's doing some good old GERMAN ?

    Did anyone go to the Stammtisch thing at Una's ? i did :o It was pretty cool, i met some fellow first years :) - however, they're doing a higher level of German :o - i liked the leidenhosen :o !!!
  12. bugs

    So, who's doing some good old GERMAN ?

    I already bought mine :o I've got Heinrike Hissbach for my tutorials. - She's pretty nice and she has the accent! What's this oral presentation thing? do we have to stand up in front of the tute? and powerpoint presentation ?? :S :S
  13. bugs

    the USYD experience + strawberries n cream

    LOL! - I looked in the union diary thing and it appears there is an abundance of resources for 'Queer' students; *Queer Space- Fridge, Microwave,, lounges, free coffee/tea *Free condoms/dams *Sydney star Observer is delivered... I want free stuff :o I payed $604!!
  14. bugs

    Rules for Customers

    (this may have been done before, but ohwell) Dearest Coles Deli Customers, A few guidelines you may wish to follow ; 1. If you would like to be served please congregate around the area with which we can be found - Do not stand idle by the chickens for 10 minutes and then bitch about it...
  15. bugs

    Zomg, UoS stuff up.

    It's odd how you had to go to an interview. I picked intermediate italian because i did Italian beginners basically.- Although i think i have to register or something. I would stick with it and change subjects by 31st of March if it's too difficult. If the interviewer seemed attentive and...
  16. bugs

    So, who's doing some good old GERMAN ?

    LOL It's barely a card , but nontheless i still love it - I've coloured it in :) w/a German flag in the background. Anyone going to that raffle thing at Una's??
  17. bugs

    Orientation Week 2006

    Re: 0rientation Week I think i saw you Stazi, were you handing out ComSoc flyers? I had this 'fuck off liberal scum' shirt :o (my friend got me to wear) I recall, if memory serves, that you asked if i wanted to join the liberals :jaw:
  18. bugs

    What Clubs/Societies did you join?

    What's comSoc anyway? :confused: is it just to do with commerce ? :sleep: i was given a flyer about it yesterday, from someone who looked like stazi (It was so shameful yesterday (w/my anti liberal shirt and all :o)
  19. bugs

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    I got mine - looks alright :) Early thurs, Tues and a Friday off :D I can't post it because it's too small, i don't know why