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  1. C

    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    There wasnt anything in the hsc exam that i hadnt been given notes for in distance ed eco...though in year 11 i missed out on a whole topic 'markets' then got tested on it in the half yearlies and everyone wondered why i did so badly in it, including me. Later on i realised i was tested on...
  2. C

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    ok i can understand your reasoning too and am sorry if there were any hard feelings..
  3. C

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    who's being harsh here?
  4. C

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    7 is ones said anything else have they? and for 18, last time i checked increases means more or grows bigger etc and due to there being more there is a price drop meaning a is the only answer.
  5. C

    Mulit Choice Answers

    You got it right anyway's a and can only be a. A safety net wage system is in place to protect those with limited bargaining powers when enterprise bargaining so that they do not get exploited by employers. Say some big union is able to negotiate a $15 per day wage, but the...
  6. C

    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    I understand what you're saying but your final hsc mark comes from 50pc school-based asessments and 50pc final exam. That would mean if i get a raw assessment of 92 and a raw exam mark of 88 that i would get a raw hsc mark of 90. You're right i dont know how the hell the scaling system is...
  7. C

    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    I used data and current statistics in the fiscal policy one but none really in the protection one. Unless u count some figures i threw in when i compared the bits of china that have protection with the bits that don't. I'm not even sure if i should have put that in. I'm expecting at least a...
  8. C

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    The answer is a. You think to much macca
  9. C

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    It would mean that he should have to pass a means test to prove he can no longer provide for himself and should receive the dole...or 'newstart' or whatever it is its now known as.
  10. C

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    don't worry dude the answer is definately a. C would increase inequality coz it means anyone could apply for and get social security regardless of their income etc
  11. C

    Mulit Choice Answers

    A means test is like they test your income and asset ownership etc to see if you're eligible for the benefits. The answer is definately not c because that means some guy on a hundred grand a year could apply for social security and get it due to there being no means test. The answer is...
  12. C


    I did this question and basically outlined negative and positive effects of protection as well. Didnt use any diagrams and seems as i'd learnt a case study on china i thought i might as well use it. A few ppl would have studied this case study and it could be linked because in some parts of...
  13. C

    Mulit Choice Answers

    I got exactly the same as Rob. Hope they're all right..that was a weird exam. Just me and 2 supervisors for 3 hours.
  14. C

    Mulitple choice

    For 13 i'm pretty sure its d coz precedent is basically common law and common law is one of the ways that rights are recognised and protected in australia. thats what i think anyway. for 14 now i'm not so sure..i dont know if access to the law would be defined as a 'legal concept.' If u ask...
  15. C

    Mulitple choice

    My answers were: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. c theres definately a political influence and its society thats causing the influence on the politicians so i'm pretty sure its right. 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. d 10. c 11. b definately not a..aus doesnt have a bill of rights 12. a (c is a trick. a...
  16. C

    What Band?

    It is unfair but its the way it works. I do fairly good in legal but the rest of my class, with the exception of 1 or 2 doesnt do so well i.e the majority will get band 1's or 2's and its crap for me. I need all the help i can get seems as i have 10 units and already screwed maths up.