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  1. H

    wtf is vocation

    Get f#@ked
  2. H

    wtf is vocation

    Get fucked
  3. H

    Well that was a load of crap...

    Physics should not be completely maths based or English based like they have made it in previous should actually be physics based. All these BOS people are trying to please to many people at once by changing the syllabus to allow these courses to be easier (or harder) for certain...
  4. H

    wtf is vocation

    I think the board of studies really didn't think about any of these exams. I think they need some imput from people who aren't past their used by date. Alot of tests have had language that has been very difficult...esp vocation....wat the hell is that...ive never heard of it.
  5. H

    wtf is vocation

    Did anyone ever learn what vocation was. Because in the exam I had no idea.
  6. H

    Possible CLoudstreet Questions?

    Explain how Cloudstreet deals with the aspect of raising the mundane to an epic level.... Or some shit like that... Lets just say that I passed it :p :chainsaw:
  7. H

    Did any one here try out for australian idol? if so what happened?

    I got through and went to sydney
  8. H

    Study Notes!!

  9. H

    ATTENTION: Lectures

    Yeah pretty sure I've got another person. Send me an email with whats happening. Do we pay together or singly....
  10. H

    Medical Physics

    Hey, I thought we could all share some information about the elective topic. Post whatever you want on here. Take whatever you need.
  11. H

    ATTENTION: Lectures

    I may be able to get me and another person to go. Not definatly yet though. I will know probably tomorrow. I'll get back to you. my email is
  12. H

    ATTENTION: Lectures

    Hey, what is the actual date of this lecture. I might have one or two people that would be interested.