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  1. R

    how do i change subjects?

    yeah this is bullshit.... where are we supposed to be looking for it??
  2. R

    Residential Colleges...

    Nothing yet. In my most recent letter from them it states that they're sending info during february... and it's well into february so i dont know what the deal is...
  3. R

    Residential Colleges...

    Is there internet connection or a phone line in the rooms at John's?
  4. R

    Residential Colleges...

    are we allocated our rooms once we get there? I haven't even seen inside the rooms or the college properly.. i've only been in the rector's office for my interview...
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    Residential Colleges...

    St John's..
  6. R

    Residential Colleges...

    when do we start... as in when do we actually need to pack up and move in to college'?... coz i havent been told anything about when i start... all i know is when o-week starts..
  7. R

    Human Resources?

    do you mean HRM- Human Resource Management?
  8. R

    Residential Colleges...

    When's 0-week ? how long before the start of uni is it?
  9. R

    Residential Colleges...

    how about the intake for st johns?
  10. R

    Economic and Social Sciences

    Thanks, i'm not at uni yet! That's just my plan because i underachieved with my UAI so i'll have to settle for Arts then hope for a transfer because Ec and Social Sciences is what i was hoping to do. Can anyone give me an estimate of what i need to do to acheive this?? p.s. cheers for the help...
  11. R

    Economic and Social Sciences

    Is it possible to transfer from a B Arts into a B Economic and Social Sciences with a UAI of 85? Do I need to maintain a certain average in Arts?
  12. R

    EE2 Marks!

    Assesment: 47/50 Major work: 47/50.... therefore i got... uhmmmm...???
  13. R

    SRAS Letter

    you basically put your name down for SRAS and you get it. I think atleast 40 people applied at my school and we all got offers.
  14. R

    Novels on Aboriginal Australians

    Hey, the protagonist in my MW was an aboriginal girl so as you can imagine i had to do a ton of research for it. Well I can tell you right now a few sources to read but ill need a bit more time to find all the titles of the books, films etc. i used. I reccommend that if you chose to use an...
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    More accomodation questions

    Hey DUMSUM were you a school captain or something? You must have looked pretty appealing extra-curricularly (if that's a word) what kind of stuff did you write in that "what books, plays etc have influenced you"?
  16. R

    More accomodation questions

    fuck i only sent mine about 2 weeks ago.. i'm probably too late
  17. R

    More accomodation questions

    When did you guys send your applications away?
  18. R


    How about if you're counting on getting into Commerce or Economics and you just miss out so you have Arts as a third preference. Is it possible to Transfer from Arts to either Economics or Commerce without having to add an extra year to your degree? Can you do the same core subjects in Arts then...
  19. R

    Transfering Courses

    Is it possible to take up the same subjects or core units as Commerce or Economics in an Arts degree? Thus when you apply to transfer, you've already done a semester of the same subjects, therefore you don't need to start over after transfering?
  20. R

    Residential Colleges...UNSW

    How late did you apply? And will doing an Arts degree or a Social Science degree affect one's consideration for college?