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  1. S

    What to do???

    I finished school last year and my UAI was like 47. So obviously I missed out on any course at UNI. Im currently doing ANIMAL STUDIES at TAFE. But im still interested in doing ANIMAL SCIENCE at UWS. Can anyone help me with some information about achieving my goals? Is it possible to do UNITRACK...
  2. S

    Long distance relationships . . . do they ever work?.?.

    I say they do work, but there is a lot of work involved. If your are really into the person, your feelings will keep you two together. But things that it might involve is at least talking to your partner, either through msn and talking over the phone and even messages will help, just so you have...
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    henry lawson related texts

    The related text i chose for this module is Waltzing Matilda, by Banjo Patterson, i just related them to the harshness of the Austalian bush......!
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    Animal Science

    Just wondering if anyone does B. Animal science at Hawkesbury campus? Im looking at doing that course for 2006 and would like to know about more about it? Like how much practical work with animals is in the course? What type of jobs can you gain by doing this course ? How are you finding the...
  5. S


    Geez people are heaps critical on this site....! I would like to say thankz for all your input to this thread but i just want you to know that i aint a player, firstly im not gonna say I LOVE YOU back to my bf if it all gonna be a lie id rather wait till im ready, cause love shouldnt be taken as...
  6. S


    ok ill remember that, no subtle hints hehehehe :P
  7. S


    yes confusing..... i say people just just get the wrong signals from their partners and then they act on them, thats why people get played or think they are getting played...!
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    Thankz global, just yeah ive never been in this situation and i thought something was serious wrong i know i hurt his feelings and i respect him for saying it cause i know where i stand, anyway to the little s**t who called me a slut, do u even know the meaning of it....! Cause that just out of...
  9. S


    But ive told him how i feel, like dont get me wrong, i really like this guy, like there is tomorrow, just when he said that i couldnt say it back i know it hurt his feelings, but what im trying to say is that after since that has happened i feel like the relationship is starting to go down...
  10. S


    Yeah i know it cut him, i saw it in his eyes....! and i dont have to force myself to love anyone, its my decision, but it was weird, he said all the mushy stuff a couple days of saying he loved in person and now it has all stop all of sudden, thats why im worrying, its not that i dont know what...
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    I confused him, i might have, but it has confused me as well...!
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    im not complaining that he isnt saying it, i was just scared of rejection, so he is most probabley not gonna say much until i come to terms and find my feelings for him and so on....! so its nothing to worry about aye?
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    Can someone put my mind on ease, im having some sort of trouble with my bf..... just the other week he was all mushy and saying he loves me and stuff and everything was going fine and i explained to him why i couldnt say i love you back, i didnt say it cause i didnt feel ready at the time...
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    Class of o5, how did u go in ur 1st assessment?

    For my first assessment which was on business management and change, i got 19/30 it was both written and oral......!
  15. S

    imax - case study?

    Hey, have you checked out the IMAX site.... it has a case study for all the modules in the HSC check it out..... theres good information on the site....!
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    Who else is always single come valentines day?

    Yeap and you point being is......?
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    Who else is always single come valentines day?

    Im single on V-day it sucks......and i hate it, coz all my friends are out celebrating their love and im stuck at home single and lonely and being all bitter.....:(
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    what is LOFTS???
  19. S

    really need help with this assessment task

    HEY les if you look at my thread theres a few links that should you......!
  20. S

    HELP..... Please......!

    Thanks april, anyone if anyone has the same troubles me i have gone through all the threads from the last few years and links are below: