Search results

  1. LeftrightOut

    Why education?

    Well i'm sitting here in my staffroom counting down the hours until my next class, don't worry i'm not officially on duty so no bludger statements please I am eating my subway lunch, and anyway I am looking out over all these bright minds wandering past and it got me thinking. What the heck...
  2. LeftrightOut

    Where did you learn about the real world?

    It seems to me more and more people are getting out into the big wide world with very little idea how the corporate/financial/real world actually works. So those of you with a fair idea where did you learn about it? Your parents? class? fat kid in the playground called dave? an accountant...
  3. LeftrightOut


    Tried the search and haven't found much so here goes. What do people think about extensions for assignments at uni? Do you think it's fair that some people get more time than others? Under what circumstances would you feel comfortable asking for an extension? Have you ever asked for an...