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  1. bails

    Creative bit

    Hey do u guys go in with a story line all set up or make one up on the spot?
  2. bails

    Should i do Hamlet for RT?

    Im really not sure anymore, should i go with it or start learning a new text? Any opinions?:confused:
  3. bails

    Past Questions 4 Revenge Trag.

    Hey does anyone know any past questions from the hsc? Ive got no idea what there askin... *sighs*
  4. bails

    So not stressed...

    I should be i know, but i havnt stressed out for any xams yet (mind u ive only had english!) I dunno is there anyone else out there with the attitude BRING IT ON!!!
  5. bails

    I dunno is it just me or...

    I dunno is it just me or does anyone else always seem to be finished with miles of time? Like i could prob write more if i knew the answers in greater detail or something, but i always hav extra time to go ova and ova my xam. Do u all finish just in time? Is it just me?
  6. bails

    I dunno is it just me or...

    I dunno is it just me or does anyone else always seem to be finished with miles of time? Like i could prob write more if i knew the answers in greater detail or something, but i always hav extra time to go ova and ova my xam. Do u all finish just in time? Is it just me?
  7. bails

    Q on Trapezoidal rule

    Im really confused, coz i dropped down from 3U to 2U my teacher taught us how to do the trap rule as: = (b-a)/2 [f(a) + f(b)] instead of the other way, & seeing i never learnt the other way, can anyone explain it to me or should i keep using this way?
  8. bails

    Im peeved

    We hav the worst texts! I hate em. There is just no info on them & seems like hardly anyone else is doin em. No1 has much to say bout R&G, Life is beautiful, Ondaatje or Skzynecki. Not one of them are written in plain old simple understandable english! Ahhhhhh... well i spose thats english 4 ya...
  9. bails

    Just wonderin

    Just wondering y the hell did u choose physics? Nuthin better or for uni, or for some other reason?
  10. bails

    Quanta 2 Quarks

    Alrighty im confused, Into how much depth do we have to know for the SEM & TEM parts? & should we learn the chain reachtion formaulas for nuclear fission? Is it just me or does this core really suck?!
  11. bails

    Business Services

    Is there a forum for Business Services + Administration? I know its a BOS course, but im just wondering =)
  12. bails

    Web sites for lazy ppl like me!

    No i dont know any, i was hopin someone else might! Other than board of studies, i hav no idea + should find some info on what im doing.
  13. bails

    Related Material For Change

    hey does anyone have any ideas on related material for changing perspective...its about time i found some ;)