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  1. E

    Conflict in the Pacific Essay Questions

    im really hoping so. this is a topic that i can nail, because ive put a lot of work into it, for you are right - it hasnt been asked. would have to be a favourite , right?
  2. E

    Study Game: Leni Riefenstahl

    some were the camera angles looking up at hitler, and his long speech was edited down to 5 minutes with only the "cool bits" - emotional shots portraying a happy healthy and peaceful Germany. any more? Q) Finish this quote: "We left a terrible legacy... I contributed........."
  3. E

    Leni Reifensthal....

    Opportunist Leni was an opportunist... she turned down the Nazi's offer before Hitler introduced the Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda. Suddenly the film industry she had waited to pounce on was harder to crack, especailly in a mole dominated industry. the nazis stood in the...
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    Study Game: Leni Riefenstahl

    how many? i looked........................
  5. E

    WW1 Study Game

    Clemenceau was dirty because france was a trashed warzone. his greed towards versailles aimed to solve the problems that france was facing post war. The Clem-Dog wanted the River Rhine free of German control (and convenitenly in the hands of the broken France) - and on top of Alsace and lorraine...
  6. E

    Conflict In The Pacific

    i can help you if you are still looking this late. specifics?