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  1. H

    Mass Defect

    Can someone please explain the concept of mass defect and binding energy? How do you calculate mass defect and binding energy? If you had to calculate mass defect of atom--. Do you include electrons? HELP I dont understand thisthnx
  2. H

    Project help

    when wriitng the project should your focus ech paragraph around each issue...or have a parapgraph for each historians, discussing there bias, influence etc.
  3. H

    CSSA Trial 2003 results

    what are some people results can you tell me the averages of your grade highest mark etc. our avergae was 70% hightest was 95% i got 85% is that good
  4. H

    HSC and Scaled Marks (document)

    hve people read the document about the 2002 UAI can someone expalin tanle A3...the differcne between scaled and HSC marks...what is what..what do we get etc... thanks
  5. H

    CSSA Trial Questions

    has anyone got the paper can they tell me the research qns. so i know what NOT to study. anyhard qns what was in quantuam to quarks
  6. H

    CSSA Mark (Estimate)

    What did you think you got
  7. H

    GAP Year

    whos doing a GAP Year next year
  8. H

    CSSA Trial

    what do people think will be in question 7...what are you hoping for i hope of binomal theorm
  9. H

    CSSA Trial Vote

    every seems to hate lets have a vote..... i thought it wsa okay....but mabye i'm a freak
  10. H

    broken link

    the exams for mod. his dont work
  11. H

    CSSA Trial

    anyone got last years qns??
  12. H

    CSSA Trial

    how did people find it what about qns 9 and 10-- a bit tricky what did people get for the area in q10 what about the distacne and time in q9. i got total time of 40 secs distance of 33.3km ???
  13. H

    CSSA Trial

    anyone got last years qns
  14. H

    Induction motor

    how does an induction motor work!!!! i dont understand it
  15. H

    Typical QNS 9 and 10 CSSA Exam

    what is thr ypical qns for 9 and 10 in CSSA exam, i guess application sof calculus am i right?
  16. H

    Independant or CSSA 2003 trial

    any teachers drop any hints about the either of these upcoming exams
  17. H

    Quantum to Quarks Dot point

    Help with this * Evaluate the relative contributions of elctrostatic and gravitational forces between nucleons Thanks
  18. H

    Ethanol Multi Choice (CSSA Exam)

    what did people have as an answer i put down D was that right
  19. H

    Equil. reaction in CSSA Trial (Industrial)

    What did people put down for the calacuation of the equil. Involving the Haber process. I had 0.73 was that right This is how I worked it out .20 + .60 --> 0 at equil. {.20 (0.5)} + {.60-(3 x 0.5)} --> .10 then you get .10 (squared) / .45 (cubed) x .15 = 0.73