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  1. M

    other artists that do the whole cubism scene

    who else besides picasso creates cubist works?
  2. M

    Dada and Futurism Assessment

    for sure, sounds great, how brief are your examples of art movements? lol i dunno if 3 pages is enuf 2 cover everything but u cant judge on how much u write u have to judge on what you have actually written about... that's a much better way to judge 'enuf' and that echoes through the rest of ur...
  3. M

    Dada and Futurism Assessment

    thats just another look at dadaism, it's reminiscent in music but funnily enough that dimension is starting to become accepted as an art so go figure i guess, seperate subjects but craft is not accepted anywhere other than wood and metal works eh! lol urgh, dunno much about futurism so cant...
  4. M

    Dada and Futurism Assessment

    next: tristan tzara, also a poet like hugo ball and kurt schwitters, tzara's poems revealed the anguish of his soul, caught between revolt and wonderment at the daily tragedy of the human condition. his world was what influenced his art more than the artworld and the critics and art historians...
  5. M

    Dada and Futurism Assessment

    the next artist to consider is man ray... he developed the rayographs, the... ok i just had the biggest mental blank! not that u could tell but it's ok! anyway, man ray created a whole lot of strange artworks, some were simple photos manipulated to some relevance or another, must say i didnt...
  6. M

    Dada and Futurism Assessment

    i dont like ur question! ok so ur looking at it from a conceptual frame point of view, right. look into artists of their own style, like: 1) hugo ball and his interpretation of dadaism in music, if you look into the artist a little more you'll find out how his life was the source of his...
  7. M

    Dada and Futurism Assessment

    im pretty fluent on the topic of dada what r u after?
  8. M


    the hell u talking about? of course that's the subject matter, but a true surrealist doesnt just work off random images that pop into their head, the truest surreal artworks come from a dream, many surrealists must imagine the 'dreamland' as a whole, of course you see stuff that deals with the...
  9. M


    thanx heaps!
  10. M

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    wow! hey u know who would tie in really well with her? villem de kooning... his monstrosities play on the image of the perfect woman as seen on billboards, yet in no way reflects their heart. cool concept i guess but his artwork repulses me, though i guess its supposed to.
  11. M


    wow thats soo cool! i heard aboout his black works and was looking at them on the net... im not sure which works would be best to tie in with surrealist artists like dali, gleeson, and kathe kollwitz who talk about war and alex grey who insists on peace, but i'll need to tie him in with those...
  12. M


    ok! cool! i really wanna hear about goya! spill! :uhhuh:
  13. M


    so who are you using?
  14. M


    dali's works are easiest to interpret. they all come of dali's paranoia that he sumhow instigated... its confusing but every element in his works come of the visions he saw because he became so paranoid he was going to see them that there they were... crystal clear... it's his method, so i'm...
  15. M


    why only dali? hang on. need more information.
  16. M

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    yeh well in spain that early on, ppl weren't used to seing naked ppl and believe it or not it would absolutely cause outrage and stirr! i thought that was funny too... dare to b a rebel lol! i'm really unsure who to study and put in my exam... so i figure i'll cover surrealism and hit the...
  17. M


    why whiteley?
  18. M

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    must look into bosch! i'm sure i have before but i cant remeber anything of his... and yeh i only really know afew of goya's works off the top of my head.. the others i'd have to look up... but one really sticks out.. saturn devouring a son, also the nude maja... though the only reason i...
  19. M

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    sik! u're learning bout goya?! wat do u think... or maybe im hyped about his works cause im twisted too!
  20. M

    Art Theory revision for HSC

    i dont see y not! 6 artists is huge tho... do tehy all relate to each other... its not so much about how many u use in ur essay... its about their relevance to ur argument... basically if u use alot of artists and artworks in proving ur point the marker is going to think you're well-learned...