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  1. Nebuchadnezzar


    i know exactly what you mean shell. i just feel so apathetic towards studying right now, i know i should study but there is nothing motivating me.
  2. Nebuchadnezzar

    Wireless network This site has all the info about the wireless lan, like where on your campus you can get wireless. The network should be up with no glitches by the end of the year.
  3. Nebuchadnezzar

    Bach. Community Welfare - Bankstown

    I'm not studying Community Welfare, but I am starting Bach Social Work at Bankstown, so I may see you around.
  4. Nebuchadnezzar

    The Official 2006 UWS Student List

    B of Social Work at Bankstown
  5. Nebuchadnezzar

    Tafe To Uni

    I did a diploma in Community Welfare Work at Ultimo. I want to do Social Work at UNSW
  6. Nebuchadnezzar

    Education and Social Work '06

    I'm hoping to be doing Social Work at UNSW or UWS this year but have to wait till the offers come out.
  7. Nebuchadnezzar

    Tafe To Uni

    I'm attempting to transfer from TAFE to Uni, but I don't find out till next Wednesday.
  8. Nebuchadnezzar

    Tafe enrolment? huh?

    The question about payment, you have ot pay for the course yourself so there isn't anything like HECS but if you have a Centrelink payment like Youth Allowance Centrelink pays for the whole course, which is really good. Look into wether you elligble for a Centrelink benefit because it comes in...
  9. Nebuchadnezzar

    Tafe Hours of Attenance etc.....

    The hours will be vary, but tafe usually runs from 9-3 but can go longer. Also in my experience the tafe teachers aren't Nazi's when it comes to attendance. But all the information you'll require will be given to you on enrolement day. Hope it goes well for you.
  10. Nebuchadnezzar

    I have no idea what I'm doing. A little advice?

    Hey Naxzul, I know how you feel. I finished a diploma at TAFE last year, so I know how you feel with the whole TAFE thing. Firstly it doesn't matter what UAI you got and don't let that discourage you when approaching tertiary study. I didn't get the UAI I wanted either but i've found another...
  11. Nebuchadnezzar

    Module C: History & Memory-Life is Beaut

    Hey, I was just wondering what texts people are using for Module C: History & Memory - Life is Beautiful - i'm using the book of steven spielbergs the last days, some poetry and nuremberg. What is everyone else using ?
  12. Nebuchadnezzar

    How much sleep did you get?

    Its so good to here that everyone is the same - i wanted goto bed at 10 but I couldn't sleep till about 11, yeh i am the same with once i'm in bed i'm normally out like a light.
  13. Nebuchadnezzar

    Cold War

    Thanks for the tip :)
  14. Nebuchadnezzar

    New site

    I just want to say thanks for all the work that you guys have put into this site for no personal profit. But i was just wandering when the notes from the old site will be available ? Thanks again
  15. Nebuchadnezzar

    Cold War

    Yeh I am doing The Cold War aswell I have to do a speech on it "How and Why was Afghanistan a point of Conflict between the USA and the USSR in the period 1979-89" There aint to much info on it.
  16. Nebuchadnezzar

    who else is sick of hearing the word "matrix"?

    Re: Re: who else is sick of hearing the word "matrix"? Damn right There is alot of boring scenes with alot of useless dialogue eg the architect and the orical But the fast paced actions scenes make up for it