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  1. becky_baby

    Just A Though.....

    seeing as though the Ancient history exam is in a few days i was wondering how confident (or worried) everyone is. Personally i will be able to do certain questions but for sure do not know the entire syllabus.....
  2. becky_baby

    King Lear

    i think what they mean about ideas is the theories that lie in the text "ie u need to be blind before you can see.. mad before you learn reality, and a fool to be wise. then theres the 'wheel of fortune theory' in that bad things happen, then come good fortune, and then back to bad things again...
  3. becky_baby

    This enough? I hope so...

    a really great production to talk about if doing a feminist reading is CUT Theatre 'Queen Lere'.. its basically role reversed and if u type it in Google u should get enough information on the production. In my HSC trial the question we got really focused on the female characters so theres no...
  4. becky_baby

    Yr 12 topics rundown?

    i dont think so. im told that the sullabus only recently changed (with the issuing of the "Journey's Booklet" so i dont think its gunna change for a while
  5. becky_baby

    Buisness anyone??

    hmm. because im really into the buisness, marketing/advertising side but i suck at maths.. and wasnt really sure exactly what to expect from this subject...
  6. becky_baby

    Assess how the delian leauge transformed into the athenian empire

    Hey, i got this information off another thread in here somewhere! i hope its useful, i thought it was: ACTIONS OF THE DELIAN LEAGUE “The way in which Athens reached her position of power was as follows.” (Thucydides I.89.1) I.89.-118 is an account of Athens’ imperial expansion inserted...
  7. becky_baby

    Buisness anyone??

    Just wondering of anyone here does a buisness and marketing course? and is it very mathy??? cuz thats what i was thinking of doing...
  8. becky_baby


    Has anyone done study notes on Pericles that follow the syllabus dot points?? if u do then that would be heaps great!
  9. becky_baby


    Go to your local library and hire the Excel CFS revision book.. and follow the syllabus points.. there really isnt that much to know! just remember the terms and stuff and practise S.A questions.. When doing really quick revision all u need is the syllabus!! all the terms that u need to know are...
  10. becky_baby

    Delian League & Athenian Imperialism

    thankx 4 ur information, its great. im looking for notes on athens in the time of pericles, greece 500-440, and the fall of rome.. any other notes that u have will be greatly appreciated!!
  11. becky_baby

    Fall Of Rome

    Does anyone have notes on the careers of Crassus, Pompey, Cicero, Brutus and Octavian.. or notes on the women of that period: Servilia, Fulvia, and Octavia?? Any notes would be heaps appreciated! :uhhuh:
  12. becky_baby

    Global Law???

    does anyone have good notes on Global Environment?? i have an assessment to do on the effectiveness of the legal system in responding to changes in community values in terms of protecting the global environment.. Any idea that you have would be great! thank u!
  13. becky_baby

    Help essay on 'Women.. and stuff'

    Its a good idea to talk about the changing roles of women.. and dont forget to talk about Aboriginal women! Things such as: - forced removal of indigneous people from their traditional land (talk about how they thought it would be beneficial and effective and fact was it wasnt) - exploitation...
  14. becky_baby

    in desperate need!

    Yeh those notes would be great!.. and i agree, when it comes to Ancient, the Exel books dont have near enought information in them! Its really hard to find good notes.. theres heaps on the net but it takes ages to find what you're looking for!
  15. becky_baby

    in desperate need!

    didnt occur to me that people wouldnt put S.A insted of essay,,oopsie~sorry~thank u for your help
  16. becky_baby

    Research Methodologies??

    Thank You!!!
  17. becky_baby

    in desperate need!

    information that you write about something to answer a question... derrrr S.A = ESSAY
  18. becky_baby

    General Maths Help

    i have the Exel General maths text. it has sample mulitiple choice and free response questions for all the topics.and in the answers it has all the working out.. ive learnt alot from it. Totally recommend everyone that has trouble remembering tips in maths buy it. its been my life saver!
  19. becky_baby

    in desperate need!

    im in desperate need of some S.A's.. i have brief notes on all my topic but if anyone has done an assessment or something on any of these topics i would love you to death if you could email them to me. the topics ive studied are: - fall of the roman republic - pericles - ancient society in...
  20. becky_baby

    Research Methodologies??

    Does anyone have good notes for the Research Methodologies topic that they could email me or something??? there arent any on this website...