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  1. hYpO

    Text book for buy

    Yeh, but i aint giving it to u..heh i love my text books.
  2. hYpO

    International Trade Past Exam paper

    As above, does anyone have the 2003 past paper? cause i am doing this subject and the finals are supposed to be the same or slighty varied. Cheers.
  3. hYpO


    we go back on the 26th right? thats the 1st week of sem, and yes i know some tuts dont run first week. Just making sure thats the correct date. Cheers.
  4. hYpO

    Partition to Change the Uni name

    Dingo, i wont entertain your comment any further other then by saying i'm not prepared to divulge my life story to you. So ease up on the personal attacks ok. Yeh there are "snobs" at UWS, but they have grounding. Whereas at UNSW i mean come on, they automatically think you are a lower class...
  5. hYpO

    Sticky: Official 2004 UWS Student List

    umm why are you asking ppl for what degree they are doing?? statistical purposes? btw: Bachelor of Economics (International Economics) @ Parra
  6. hYpO

    Partition to Change the Uni name

    Well why do other students from diff universities come to UWS? hmm i did macroeconomics analysis a year ago and we had a shitload of maq uni students doing subjects at UWS parra?!?!? what a boggle. Also UWS has had great achievements but hey all the snobs that goto UNSW and UTS etc, think...