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  1. L

    Schoolies 08: Nelson's Bay

    Re: rah rah rah I was deadly serious. Which scary st. marys boys are going?
  2. L

    Schoolies 08: Nelson's Bay

    Holy shit, boy do i regret doing that.
  3. L

    Schoolies 08: Nelson's Bay

    Who are these scary st mary's boys?
  4. L

    A single sentence to tell wat ur creative will be about?...

    Thugs rob rich people in a carriage. Steal there bellongings. At the end it turns out its robin hood.
  5. L

    LOL help please with english paper area of study

    OP Fuck i hate people that can do that... I do it with maths so i spose it evens out.
  6. L

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    There's to big a chance for my life, the life of humans, the life of the planet, thesolar system, the galaxy and all time and matter for me to exist, so i just live denying both.
  7. L

    Who hates greens?

    Im all for legalising MJ.
  8. L


    Kk Life saver, Thanks bro :D
  9. L


    Not encouraging..
  10. L


    I trie and fail at english so please give me a rough estimate at my UAI. Ranks Sor1 143/193 English Adv 170/183 Math ext 26/33 Math 19/82 Chem 33/40 Sdd 14/24 Rank is 117
  11. L

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    Do you pricks research takin a piss before you take one?
  12. L

    Confused about the english hsc structure ..

    What is Section 3- Essay? Whats it based on etc.
  13. L

    Transformation Of Elec in Home Appliances

    Hey guys, Im currently working on my project and i cant find any flow charts/info on lights bulbs, tv aerials and sets in conjunction, and cranes while lifting objects. I have a basic idea, ie crane = elec -> kinetic. But i cant find any descriptions or anything. Any help would be appreciated. :)