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  1. SimonLee13

    Question bout Legislative Power - MC question

    In In Australia with whom does legislative power lie? a) the commonwealth parliament and the High Court b) the governor general and the state governors c) the commonwealth and state parliaments d) the cabinet and the prime minister Im thinking its not a due to high court being...
  2. SimonLee13

    Give an example of a political influence on law.

    This question is confusing me, in the textbooks I have it says that it is just how the government makes and enforces laws. Can somebody give me a clear/distinct political influence on law?
  3. SimonLee13

    How many hours did you study during the year?

    On average and not including the days before assessment tasks.
  4. SimonLee13

    Financial Markets Assessment

    Question : Outline the links between global financial markets and Australian financial institutions with reference to the following: International interest rate differentials. The Sub-Prime mortgage fallout. Equity markets. The global credit squeeze. Can somebody explain global credit squeeze...
  5. SimonLee13

    Anybody planning on sacrificing something for yr 12?

    Do you have something you'll definitely sacrifice once term 4 arrives? Co-curricular stuff like sport and music?